Sunday, June 3, 2012

Duluth Vacation

Dad had this last week off so we have been having lots of fun with him and Mom. I wish Dad could stay home all the time. We stayed home because Mom still had to work and we had lots of projects to get done around the house. But we did manage to make it to Enger Tower and explore the trails there and to Canal Park, which we were hoping for ice cream cones (the world's best!) but they were still closed for the season. Mom was very disappointed. But it was still fun! Then on the one night Mom had off, we were going to camp in our backyard and have a fire and everything, but I got sick! I had a fever and my leg hurt too so I was pretty out of it. We still did take a nice evening stroll, but I stayed in the stroller. It was a rough night for me and Mom, but the next morning I was all better. Some weird 12 hour flu I guess.

Here I am by a pretty garden by Canal Park. I love the glasses you gave me Grandma R.! I actually wear them now and don't tear them off my face like I did with all my baby sunglasses.

I look so tiny!

Here comes Dad and Pete!

We love throwing rocks into water. Lake Superior is the best place for this!

I was pretending to eat a rock. Then I rescued a little bug and put it in the hole. He was my friend I told Mom.

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