Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Farewell to Uncle Mike's Cabin

We spent our last weekend up at Uncle Mike's cabin. We had a really good time and even got to go swimming! It was so nice out, all three days we were there. And of course we had to make on last visit to Mineview in the Sky in Virginia, where they have a couple really, really big mining trucks for us to look at. 

See me, way down there!

Auntie Linda caught the one and only fish of the weekend. A big 29 inch walleye! Good job Linda!

Hannah's not afraid to touch the fish either.

Jack brought some super fun water guns. I need to get my own, these were great!

Daddy and I went tubing and had a blast!

Taking a break inside to eat a popsicle. Can you guess what flavor??

Peter tries to tickle a sleepy Jack.

Our attempt at a family picture. Of course I am the only one shying away behind Emma.

Storm of 2012

Did you know there was a huge waterfall in our yard the other day?
 Water going over the culvert because it was raining so hard, not because it was clogged.
 At 2 am, when it was flooding the most, you can see the water around the phone pole, how fast and high it is. Good thing Daddy was working all night because that was where his car is usually parked, and it could have been flooded!
 The aftermath. The City will be here to clean up this mess.
 The water was so strong it took about 10 cement bricks from the retaining wall and flushed them downstream. Less work for Dad I guess when he removes this wall.
 This was right across from the zoo. The Munger trail and railroad bridge are all gone.

Father's Day Weekend

We decided the best gift we could possibly give Daddy was to let him fish up on Rainy Lake with his brother. So that is exactly where we went. Grandma and Grandpa were there too so we had lots of fun with everyone. Dad and Uncle Mike came home with 3 nice keepers!

There goes the storm that passed over us quickly. Made for some beautiful evening scenery over the dock.

Just chillin' out, sending out some text with Uncle Mike's phone.

Could Peter's cheeks be any cuter than this?? Mommy wants to reach into this picture and squeeze them!

Neat looking clouds that brought on straight line winds in a second. The storm lasted just half an hour. And I wasn't even that scared. I am getting much better now that we have had a couple thunderstorms this summer.

Lovely Month of June

We have been having so much fun this June now that the weather is nice and warm. We went to play at our friend Josie's house. He has lots of toys that we don't. We went for a hike in the woods and then played with all the fun toys.

This is really neat and I hope Dad makes one for me! It is a water table with lots of boats and cups. My friend is standing beside me- he just turned 2 years old.
 Grandma came up for a visit a couple weeks ago. We went down to Canal Park and got popcorn and ice cream cones! We saw 2 ships and fire engine, all which when they blew their horns, Peter cried. Poor Petey. I am getting tougher now, and it doesn't bother me as much.

 How hard do you think it is to get 2 boys and a Grandma together for a picture?? The answer is very hard.

Peter and I busy typing away on the keyboard.

I got paints from my friend Caitlin for my birthday, and I really like to finger paint, and arm paint too!

Pattison State Park

After the Memorial Day hail storm, which we were calling the Storm of 2012 (until this past week, when we really got the Storm of 2012) Mom, Peter and I made a day trip out to visit my Great Aunt Joannie and Pattison State Park in WI. I got to see the horses at Joannie's house and she let us play on her big ATV, which was definitely the highlight of the trip out there. Also I have also told Mom how I really liked that Auntie Joannie offered us juice boxes too. That was a special treat. After our visit with her, we went to the park where I think I saw the biggest waterfall I have ever seen in my life. We took a really nice hike and had a good time with Mom. Daddy was busy fishing up with Uncle Mike. He brought us home a fish dinner.

Peter says "Bug!".

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I want a new bed

Today I was in the bathroom and mom and dad thought it was funny when I told them, " It just sucks that I don't like my crib anymore."

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Duluth Vacation

Dad had this last week off so we have been having lots of fun with him and Mom. I wish Dad could stay home all the time. We stayed home because Mom still had to work and we had lots of projects to get done around the house. But we did manage to make it to Enger Tower and explore the trails there and to Canal Park, which we were hoping for ice cream cones (the world's best!) but they were still closed for the season. Mom was very disappointed. But it was still fun! Then on the one night Mom had off, we were going to camp in our backyard and have a fire and everything, but I got sick! I had a fever and my leg hurt too so I was pretty out of it. We still did take a nice evening stroll, but I stayed in the stroller. It was a rough night for me and Mom, but the next morning I was all better. Some weird 12 hour flu I guess.

Here I am by a pretty garden by Canal Park. I love the glasses you gave me Grandma R.! I actually wear them now and don't tear them off my face like I did with all my baby sunglasses.

I look so tiny!

Here comes Dad and Pete!

We love throwing rocks into water. Lake Superior is the best place for this!

I was pretending to eat a rock. Then I rescued a little bug and put it in the hole. He was my friend I told Mom.

Cabin Life

We finally made it up to Uncle Mike's cabin for Memorial Day weekend. It was pretty fun, but it was rainy and windy out. Which didn't matter to me much, but the fishermen in the family were disappointed.  They did catch a few fish though, but no keepers. Luckily my Hoekman cousins were there too so I had lots of people to play with.

Peter blew kisses while bathing in Uncle Mikes tub.

I look so innocent, don't I? Do you believe it??

This is the big monster that Jack caught. Way to go!

Dad caught a nice walleye right off the dock, but couldn't keep it because it wasn't the right size.

The big waves made for a fun ride on the boat!

It was cold though, as you can see by our many layers of clothing.

On our way home from International Falls, we stopped at the Mine in the Sky museum to look at the big trucks in Virginia. That was super neat to see how huge they are. But it started to sprinkle on us so we headed back to Duluth. We just missed a huge hail storm. As we approached our house, the roads were green with leaves and hail was still on the ground. Check out the crazy storm pictures!
This was our creek raging!

Lots of little hail balls.

Our driveway looks like grass! Our car got hail damage but thankfully our van was parked under the pine tree and was ok. Good thing too because we want to keep it in MINT condition.