Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mega Huge Easter Posting Part1

I know it is more than a week after Easter, so I am sorry it has taken that long to get some pictures up. I hope everyone had a really good Easter. It was a beatiful day! We went down to Grandpa Gerard's house the Friday and Saturday before Easter, and those weren't that beautiful of days. It was cold, wet and windy out, but that didn't stop us from playing outside with my cousins. Pete stayed inside and played with Audrey.

They played very nice together, until...

Peter started attacking Audreys shoulder.

He thinks everything is a toy to be sucked and chewed on.

Then Peter was sad when Mom said "No more chewing on Audrey's arm!"
I tested out a horse saddle Grandma got for Emma. Giddy up couch!
After a busy day on the farm, I was ready to relax next to Grandpa.

Mommy and Daddy forgot Pete's bag at home, so Audrey was nice enough to loan him some of her clothes. Uncle Justin tried to find the least girly clothes she has. These ducky pjs are pretty good!

On Saturday, my cousins came over early and played outside with me all day.

Cousin Jack showed me some tricks on the swing set!

As you know, I really like watering cans. I found this pretty one in the yard.

Giving the kitty a hug!

We had a big fire, and Grandpa and Hannah and Dad tried to make it even bigger by burning some of the grass surrounding the pond. It was too wet though.

Meanwhile, Peter and Audrey were hanging out inside together again. They will be great friends!

Although Audrey is perplexed as to why Peter always has his face in the ground. She's like "It's not THAT hard to keep you face up Peter! Geesh!"

We had an Easter egg hunt too. Peter found this egg!

Eggs for everyone!

Peter got this cute little duck in his Easter basket. I got candy, bubbles and a little doggie. Thanks Easter bunny for coming a day early to Grandpa's house!

Audrey looks so pretty for the Easter celebration.

We couldn't forget to celebrate Hannah's 13th birthday! We had cheesecake and ice cream dessert. I tried to blow out her candle, but she beat me to it.

Grandpa, looking handsome as usual, and me, looking chubby as usual after eating a fantastic meal.

Auntie Linda brought eggs to color. I had lots of fun with that, but then we had to get going back to Duluth.

Hannah and Emma showed me how to make pretty Easter eggs.

I'm in Training.

We have a special little chair in our bathroom. It is just for me . Dad and Mom have been giving me lots of time sitting on the chair hoping for something to happen. I think I know what they are trying to get me to do, but I am resisting. We'll see who has more patience, me or them...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Weekend at Home

Mommy had to work this weekend, so we stayed home for the most part (besides our weekly outing to Menards, my favorite store in the whole world). I had fun playing with Dad and Pete. Don't I look like a little angel here?? He he! Mom knows differently!

Pete says "Somebody come rescue me!"
Peter is having a heart-to-heart with Daddy, basically explaining that he doesn't like being left on the floor in the middle of the living room with a bib over his face.

I am really into stuffed animals now. I put them to sleep, and kiss and cuddle with them, and am constantly offering them to Peter, because he likes them too.

Peter is showing an impressive display of bubbles!

I like tunnels! The other day Dad took me through the tunnels on the freeway up the shore, and it was pretty exciting. On our way back, when we got on the freeway again, I even remembered the tunnels were coming before we got to them. And I pointed out the aerial lift bridge to Dad also. I am very good at naming lots of things outside from the car. I am becoming quite the talker now!
Sleepy time!

Pete, the Sleeper

Finally, at 5 months old, Peter is sleeping through the night. Mom was getting worried, but Pete has been a wonderful boy and has been sleeping through the night for the last couple weeks now. He goes to bed around 8:30 and usually is up by 6:45. My bedtime is at 8:00, and I usually get up at 7:30, but for some reason, some bad reason, I have been waking up around 6:30, which is way too early Mom tells me. Peter is also going down for naps at regular times, and although he takes only short naps throughout the day, he is putting himself to sleep on his own when Mom lays him in the crib, which means more one on one time for me and Mommy. See how happy Pete has made Mommy! She likes getting a full nights sleep!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Peter's Fashion Show

Peter decided to put on a fashion show of some of Daddy's baby clothes. Daddy was a pretty stylish baby- these outfits are great!

We like this blue jumpsuit that zips in the back.

Nothing says 70's baby fashion better than lederhosens!

A pretty blue bonnet to complete the look.

Look at that beautiful cheek glowing in the sunlight!

This is Daddy's favorite. He wishes all baby clothes now-a-days could look as cool as these!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Mommy caught me just relaxing on the couch. My favorite show is Curious George now. And I am finally not obsessed with TV like I was a couple months ago. Before, I would continually go up to the TV and turn it on and get mad when Mom would turn it off, but now I hardly turn it on at all. I am much too busy with my toys and entertaining Peter. See how happy Pete is! He is my happy little brother. He laughs at me a lot! I must be funnier than I think!


Since Mom has gone back to work, Dad, Pete and I have dance parties in the evenings. My favorite singer is Lady Gaga. She sings pop music and is super great! I point to the computer and say "Gaga, gaga!" and Dad plays the songs on Youtube. I even know when Dad tricks me and puts on other songs, and will insist on Gaga. Although I am also a fan of Black-eyed-Peas too. I dance on the floor, but Peter gets to dance with Daddy. He loves it too!

Backyard Fire

Aunt Shelly and Uncle Trevor came to visit this weekend. We had a fire and Auntie Shelly pushed me around in the wheelbarrow.

We also went to the zoo! The linx and wolves were very interested in me and Peter, and kept pacing their cages looking at us like we were food!

Back at home, Auntie Shelly pulled me around on a blanket. I like it when Auntie Shelly visits!