Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Relaxing Saturday at the Beach

We went to visit my grandparents this weekend. On Saturday, we went to a park by Grandparents Gerards house. It was such a nice day. Daddy put my feet in the water, and after the initial coldness, it was pretty nice and fun. I waded around for awhile feeling the sand between my toes. It was a little too breezy to go all the way in though. Dad was dissappointed that I couldn't take my first swim.

Check out those rolls!! Pretty impressive!

Here I am with Uncle Justin. Unfortanately this picture really shows the sad truth, that I am losing my beautiful hair. It is thinning right now- I don't think it can keep up with my growing head. I just hope it doesn't completely fall out!

Here I am snoozing in the comfy arms of Grandma Gerard while Mom and Dad went for a run on Saturday morning. I held Grandma captive in this chair for a couple hours! She was so nice to not disturb me by getting up.

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