Monday, September 21, 2009

End of Summer Party!

Saturday was a fun day at my house. We had all the Sundstroms over (my Grandma Rs' side of the family) for a barbecue. I have so many second cousins to play with now! And all boys!
This is Landon- he is 6 months. He is pulling my arm off here, but I don't seem to mind.

My first time with another baby like myself. We didn't have too much to say to each other though. I suppose it would help if we knew how to talk- which neither one of us does, but that's ok. It was interesting just to see another tiny person like me.

Here is the whole gang. Mom's cousin Jenny is holding me (4 months), Mom is holding Landon (6 months) and Grandma R is holding Jenny's 2 kids, Kelby (2.5 years) and Moxan (2 months). Christmas time should be wild when we all get together. Most of us should be crawling by then!

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