Friday, September 25, 2009

The Doctor's Report

Well at 4 months old, I am officially 16 lbs 6 oz, and 26 inches tall. For some of you this may be hard to believe since my parents are so short, but I am in the 90% for height. So all you other tiny babies out there 'Watch Out', I could squash you with my hugeness. As for the other 10 percent bigger than me, I hope I don't run into you without my Mommy's and Daddy's protection. So I got my shots, which turned my face a shade of red brighter than a tomato, and then immediately went into a 4 hour coma. Mom appreciated the quiet time, but was relieved when I finally woke up to eat. It had been a 6 hour stretch without eating, so she was getting a bit concerned. One good thing that came out of the appointment was the recommendation for me to start eating big people food. So today I had my first bite of rice cereal. I don't know how most of you have mastered eating with a spoon- it is a real talent. Moms not sure how much actually went down the hatch, but I was willing and enthusiastic about the whole trial. Bring on the bananas and peas!!

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