Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

My First Sub 6 Minute Mile

Today Dad took me on the Munger Trail for a run. He decided to do 1 Mile sprints. Our first mile was 6:28. Not bad for going uphill. Then we went downhill and did the next mile in 5:59! I was so happy to break six minutes for the mile. Next time I want to go faster! We make such a good running team. I am looking forward to learning to run. Then I will push my Dad in the jogging stroller!

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Doctor's Report

Well at 4 months old, I am officially 16 lbs 6 oz, and 26 inches tall. For some of you this may be hard to believe since my parents are so short, but I am in the 90% for height. So all you other tiny babies out there 'Watch Out', I could squash you with my hugeness. As for the other 10 percent bigger than me, I hope I don't run into you without my Mommy's and Daddy's protection. So I got my shots, which turned my face a shade of red brighter than a tomato, and then immediately went into a 4 hour coma. Mom appreciated the quiet time, but was relieved when I finally woke up to eat. It had been a 6 hour stretch without eating, so she was getting a bit concerned. One good thing that came out of the appointment was the recommendation for me to start eating big people food. So today I had my first bite of rice cereal. I don't know how most of you have mastered eating with a spoon- it is a real talent. Moms not sure how much actually went down the hatch, but I was willing and enthusiastic about the whole trial. Bring on the bananas and peas!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

4 Months Old!!!

It is my 4 month birthday today! Tomorrow I go to the doctors- I will have my measurements for you all then. Then I can brag how big I have become!! Mommy isn't doing anything special for me today. She has to go to work early for a meeting, but maybe tomorrow on her day off we can celebrate. Hmm... probably before I get my shots though- I don't think I will be in a partying mood after my legs get shot up. Ouch!

Monday, September 21, 2009

End of Summer Party!

Saturday was a fun day at my house. We had all the Sundstroms over (my Grandma Rs' side of the family) for a barbecue. I have so many second cousins to play with now! And all boys!
This is Landon- he is 6 months. He is pulling my arm off here, but I don't seem to mind.

My first time with another baby like myself. We didn't have too much to say to each other though. I suppose it would help if we knew how to talk- which neither one of us does, but that's ok. It was interesting just to see another tiny person like me.

Here is the whole gang. Mom's cousin Jenny is holding me (4 months), Mom is holding Landon (6 months) and Grandma R is holding Jenny's 2 kids, Kelby (2.5 years) and Moxan (2 months). Christmas time should be wild when we all get together. Most of us should be crawling by then!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Saucer Time

Hmmm.... pretty sure my arm is not supposed to be there.

Getting Older!

Hi guys,
I have been a bit busy enjoying the rest of the summer ( that's what Mom told me to say- really she has just been too lazy and busy to help me with the blog), so I am sorry it has been almost 2 weeks since my last blog. I have changed a lot in just 2 weeks. I am starting to laugh, not just little giggles here and there. Grandpa G. and Grandpa R. made me laugh pretty heartily when I saw them last. That was my first real laugh. But Daddy wins for getting the biggest laugh out of me. He tickled me under the neck and I went crazy. Of course Mom was at work and missed it, but Aunt Shelly got to witness my big laugh. I haven't recreated it for Mom yet, but maybe soon she will hear it. I have also been holding my head up much higher now and pushing off a little with my arms. I am anticipating a rollover soon, but it is a gamble as to who the lucky parent will be to see that.
Some good old fashioned tummy time.

Getting my beauty sleep.

Me and mom hanging out together.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Bumbo

My newest "toy" is the Bumbo! The great thing about this little seat is it gives me support for my big body while I try to fit all my fingers in my mouth. Sucking on all my fingers keeps me occupied for quite awhile. Plus it is fun to see how much drool comes out of my mouth in a 10 minute time frame.

Daddy's Race

I had lots of fun this evening. Mom and I went to watch Dad race by Jay Cooke State Park. He was 15th place out of 90 people. Mom says I was really good in the front pack. She walked me around while Dad raced. Yesterday Mom took me to Canal Park and we walked all the way to the Rose Gardens. It was an awesome day. There were really big waves on the lake and super sunny and windy. If you look close, you can see a big ship parked out in the water far away.

Labor Day

To celebrate Mom and Dad's labor day, we went canoeing at Jay Cooke State Park. We went under the swinging bridge and down to the dam! For those of you who know the park, you also know that I am kidding. Those are class 5+ rapids and my parents want me to live past the age of 4 months. But we did canoe below the dam where it is a pretty river, basically wide enough to be a lake. I had fun in the first half, but got grumpy when my nap was overdue and Mom wasn't rocking me to sleep. So Dad had to paddle hard without the help of Mom (by this time I demanded that she hold me) back to the canoe launch area only for me to then be asleep. So since I was sleeping at that point, he fished for a bit longer, but no luck. Overall, I think I made it clear that I want to wait another year before we attempt canoeing again.

Me and Mom when I was still happy.

Me when I was happier yet. I was content laying under the blanket for the first 15 minutes.

Maybe next year I can get a mini paddle of my own and show Dad up with my paddling speed!!

Sunday at Grandma and Grandpa Radzaks

On Sunday, we had a nice visit with Grandma and Grandpa Radzak. They took us out to the middle of the lake and Mom and Dad went swimming while I hung out with Grandma and Grandpa on the pontoon. Then we went to the beach, but I was sleepy so I still didn't get to to take my first swim. We had delicious steaks and yummy potato salad for dinner. Of course the only way I got to taste it was through my milk, not really fair if you ask me. Maybe by this time next year I can try my first steak at Grandpa R's house. Yum!!
Me and Grandpa relaxing on the deck. It was such a nice day!

I am totally asleep here, as uncomfortable as it looks. Another good chubby thigh shot.

Relaxing Saturday at the Beach

We went to visit my grandparents this weekend. On Saturday, we went to a park by Grandparents Gerards house. It was such a nice day. Daddy put my feet in the water, and after the initial coldness, it was pretty nice and fun. I waded around for awhile feeling the sand between my toes. It was a little too breezy to go all the way in though. Dad was dissappointed that I couldn't take my first swim.

Check out those rolls!! Pretty impressive!

Here I am with Uncle Justin. Unfortanately this picture really shows the sad truth, that I am losing my beautiful hair. It is thinning right now- I don't think it can keep up with my growing head. I just hope it doesn't completely fall out!

Here I am snoozing in the comfy arms of Grandma Gerard while Mom and Dad went for a run on Saturday morning. I held Grandma captive in this chair for a couple hours! She was so nice to not disturb me by getting up.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Babysitting Fun

This picture isn't the greatest, but it shows off this sweet jumpsuit I'm wearing. Unfortunately in Duluth, this is the kind of clothes I wear in August, typically the hottest month of the summer.

Getting some good old fashioned tummy time. Look how strong I am now! I can hold my head up like this for a long time now! Maybe if my cheeks wern't so big I could hold my head up even longer, but gravity takes its toll, and I have to take breaks and put my big ol' cheeks down.

Here's me in my exersaucer. Obviously I am weirded out by the noisy little balls when I hit them.

Sorry about the lack of blogs the last week. I don't like to admit this, but I do need help from Mom, and she is busy being back at work and taking care of me and cleaning up my messes. I have had lots of fun though with all the babysitters. Mom can get a little boring seeing her all day long, so it is fun to get new faces in here. I have had the most fun with my cousins, Hannah, Emma and Jack. They have come up twice in the last week to play with me. This picture is of Jack playing in my exersaucer. I don't quite think he fits!