Friday, July 31, 2009

My 9th Week

Hoorah! No clothes today! It is finally warm in Duluth again!

This is a sweet retro outfit from when Daddy was a baby. Can you believe my big Daddy was ever this tiny?? I wonder if I will be bigger than him when I grow up.

I am loving the tummy time. This week Mom is noticing how much stronger I am getting. I can hold my head up for much longer now. Pretty soon I will be crawling!!

Here is my new pet. He lives under our shed and we just started seeing him about a week ago, but now see him everyday. I am happy to have a cute little furry pet, but Mommy is pretty upset because she thinks he is the culprit to the devastation of her kalrabi plants in her garden. The other day we went out there to check on the veggies and all her kalrabis were chomped down to just there little stubs. We haven't seen any bunnies out there, so this groundhog might be it. Daddy talks about shooting him, but I think Mom should just put up a better fence so we can keep my new friend around.

Me in my bouncer.

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