Friday, July 31, 2009

My 10th Week (Holy Cow, I'm Getting Old!)

I look a little goofy here, but thought I would show off my cute outfit that I got from my friends Emily, Dave and Eleanor out in NY. It says Captain Dribble on it, and that is for certain! I am a drooling/dribbling machine now!
This is my new friend Laura. She came to visit all the way from Colorado. We barbecued and went on a long walk. Thanks for coming to meet me Laura!

I am all ready for the wedding that we went to last Saturday. I must say I looked very nice with my khakis and cute shirt that I got from Grandma R.

Dad is washing my hair here. Mom and Dad used to be able to hold me to wash my hair, but since I am rapidly gaining weight, I am just a little too heavy and awkward shaped to be held for long enough periods of time. I don't mind laying on the counter though. I do like getting my hair washed. It makes it shine with a light from within!

Now Mom finds it amusing to put things on my belly and take pictures. I am pretty sure she is taking advantage of my inability to move much. Pretty soon I will be strong enough... then enough of the ridiculous pictures.

My 9th Week

Hoorah! No clothes today! It is finally warm in Duluth again!

This is a sweet retro outfit from when Daddy was a baby. Can you believe my big Daddy was ever this tiny?? I wonder if I will be bigger than him when I grow up.

I am loving the tummy time. This week Mom is noticing how much stronger I am getting. I can hold my head up for much longer now. Pretty soon I will be crawling!!

Here is my new pet. He lives under our shed and we just started seeing him about a week ago, but now see him everyday. I am happy to have a cute little furry pet, but Mommy is pretty upset because she thinks he is the culprit to the devastation of her kalrabi plants in her garden. The other day we went out there to check on the veggies and all her kalrabis were chomped down to just there little stubs. We haven't seen any bunnies out there, so this groundhog might be it. Daddy talks about shooting him, but I think Mom should just put up a better fence so we can keep my new friend around.

Me in my bouncer.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Miracle x 3???

THREE days in a row I have now slept all the way through the night. Mom and Dad have put me to bed around 9 and I have woken up at 5:30 the first 2 nights, and today slept until 6:30. Mom is still in disbelief, and keeps thinking it won't happen another night, but so far I am proving her wrong. It has all been thanks to my lovely thumb. I love that thing and now can find it with relative ease. Gotta go eat now!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Beach!

Here's my first touch of the freezing cold Lake Superior! You might be mad at Daddy in this picture for doing this to me, but it is Mommy who told him to. I'm glad they think of my feelings just to get a cute picture. Of course Mom didn't catch it in this picture, but a second later I started crying.
I'm cute.

I'm cute again.

My new friends Sara and Jon and Olivia came up to meet me and play with me all weekend. They brought me some awesome books that I can't wait for Mom to read to me. Thanks for the presents guys!

Last Weekend

Daddy is trying to tickle me here. But I'm not ticklish yet-so you can't torture me yet Daddy!!

Me and Grandpa taking a little snooze.

My mom's aunt and cousin came over to check me out for the first time on Saturday. They brought me cool presents- Thanks Linda and Andrea!

The Principal came to visit, too.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Another Discovery!

Today I noticed my reflection for the first time! It was so cool! I was looking in this shiny thing that Mom was calling a mirror, and I could see this cute little face looking back at me. Man, did that make me smile! I was intrigued for a few minutes, but my attention span still isn't that great, so I got bored after a little while and we had to move on. But Mom did appreciate all the cute smiles!

It's My Birthday!

I am 2 months old today! And I had a marvelous breakthrough last night. I am now officially a thumbsucker. Mommy caught me at each feeding with my thumb in my mouth- which leads to why Mom is proud of me. I had a 5 hour stretch of sleep! Sucking my thumb keeps me from crying and actually put me back to sleep too. Yay for more sleep for Mom! And happy birthday to me! I am getting so big!

Monday, July 20, 2009

My 7th Week

Well I am now officially 8 weeks old, but I should probably recap on my 7th week since I got lazy and didn't do much blogging last week. I am getting much more active on my activity center. I can concentrate on objects and follow them with my eyes. I can't grab anything yet: I prefer to keep my hands in tight little fists so they are always ready to go in the mouth at any moment I choose. But I can focus and hit things if I concentrate really hard, or that's what mommy thinks; it may just be total chance that my hand is coming into contact with things.

I like to keep an eye on Mom at all times, you never know what she's up to!

Here's a cute little smile with a little drool added just to spice it up.

The penguin is my favorite toy to look at and touch. It keeps me fascinated for at least 15 minutes at a time.

A big yawn for the camera.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The End to the Bat Chaos

So around 1 AM this morning Mom heard scratching out in the hallway, so she woke Dad up and he investigated. Sure enough, the bat that we couldn't find the previous night had made itself present. It ended up landing in the bathroom sink, which again very conviently for Dad, was right by the window, so he simply took the screens off, got the bat in the net and then threw the bat with the net out the window. What a relief!!! That does mean however that I was down playing in the living room all day with a bat lurking about somewhere. Yuk!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hanging with Uncle Mike

Could my cheeks be any bigger???

Uncle Mike stayed overnight and we went to Canal Park and out for lunch. I had fun hanging out with him.

My First Party!

My parents had a celebration back at the house for me. We grilled hamburgers and hotdogs and had lots of other yummy food (of course I only got milk, booooo!). This is me with Uncle Justin. I had to ditch the white tux- a little too hot for me. I am sporting a cool cap of Uncle Justin's!
Just chillin' with Grandma.

Auntie Jill is holding me here. You can see the cake decorating abilities of Mommy. Quite impressive. I only hope I can be as creative as she when I get older. Again you can see yet another attempt to fit my hand in my mouth, and again unsuccessful.

Here is a better close up of me in my tux.

I'm Baptized!!

I am now baptized! It was at St.James with Father Jim. I slept through the whole ceremony, but was told later that it was wonderful and many of my special family members were there. Aunt Shelly and Uncle Mike are my God parents. I love you both very much!

My Grandma and Grandpa Gerard.

My Grandma and Grandpa Radzak.

Me with Mom and Dad.

Another Fun Filled Weekend

Shelly and Trevor weeded Mommy's garden. It was a jungle before they started- I couldn't even see the veggies! But now it looks great and I can't wait to harvest the yummy veggies. For some reason Mom thought she could handle me AND a garden, but nope, I proved her wrong by completely occupying all her time so far this summer. Thanks Trevor and Shelly!!

I'm getting sleepy....very sleeeeeeeepyyyyyyy.

On Saturday evening we had a campfire. Shelly kept me nice a warm in front of the fire. Here I am trying to see how much of my fist I can fit in my mouth. This activity can keep me busy for hours!

I got to see Dad race the Voyager Marathon this weekend. He did super good! I am so proud of him. I hope I can grow up to be a good runner so I can go out running with Daddy!

An Unwanted Visitor

So we had a little excitement last night! I was laying sleeping soundly in my bed when I heard some swearing outside my door and the doors slam shut. Later mommy told me Daddy had gotten up to use the bathroom and as he was coming back out, a bat swept by his head. He shut all the doors to contain it, but it made it's way downstairs and conveniently for us perched on the ceiling by the garage door. After mommy came out thinking something was wrong with me (fell out of the crib or something tragic) she helped Dad put up a barrier so the bat wouldn't fly back up stairs. Daddy then opened the garage door, grabbed a fishing net and swatted the bat into it and threw it outside. The bat was now free! Of course I was whining by this time because I was rudely awakened, so Mom came to feed me. The bad part of the story is that half way into eating, we were disturbed by scratching sounds and we could hear the bat crawling through a hole back into the hallway. Mom shouted for Dad and he came out only to have to slam the door in the bat's face as it came flying for his head again. The worse part of the story is that we could not find the bat again once it went all the way downstairs. We think it is hiding somewhere in the laundry room or maybe it found it's way out of the house, who knows. Daddy did check my neck to make sure I didn't have any bites! I'm clear! So the lesson of this story is to finish construction work before bats get in- we are now patching the hole that has been in our hallway for the last few months. You all know the one... where we were trying to fix the hammering pipes from our remodeled bathroom. That is where we think it got in from the attic.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Week 6

I had a great week. On Monday I went with Mom to visit a friend from her work. I went for lots of walks, to the grocery store, out shopping at Target and ran all sorts of errands. On Thursday we had a visit from another friend from Mom's work. She brought me the cutest little outfit, I can't wait to wear it. This weekend I am excited to get lots of visitors for my babtism on Sunday.
Deb and me.
Me and my Daddy. I am so proud of my Daddy for working so hard all day so that Mommy can take care of me.

This is me playing in my activity center that my Grandma and Grandpa R got me. I love it! I am finally focusing on the thingys hanging above me and I get excited when I hit them with my hand. I still don't have very good control on where my hands go, so it is super cool when I make contact with something.

My bouncer and swing are enjoyable places for naps.

I'm a Sleeping Machine!

Before pooping....

After pooping...

This morning I didn't wake up until 11:30! Mom was proud of me last night. I had a 5 hour break from eating. And then 2 3 hour chunks after that, so Mom isn't so sleepy this morning. This is how she found me when I woke up at 11:30.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Campfire on Saturday Night

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit July 4th evening. We roasted hot dogs on the fire and enjoyed the great evening. We then hiked up to the railroad bridge above our house and watched the Superior fireworks. I'm so lucky I was able to spend my first Independence Day with my grandparents.

July 4th Fun

Later on Saturday we went to my great grandparents house for root beer floats! I can't wait until I can eat real grown up food! It sounds way better than warm milk on a super hot day!

On Saturday we went to Enger Tower. I went all the way to the top, but you guessed it, was sleeping, so I didn't see the view. Mom and Dad enjoyed it though!

Even though I slept the entire hike, I was still exhausted when we got back to the car. Its a lot of work to sleep in that little baby carrier!

We had a great July 4th weekend! Daddy had Friday off so we went to Jay Cooke State Park and hiked over the swinging bridge and through the woods. It was a beautiful day and we had lots of fun.