Wednesday, October 19, 2011

On the Inside

We have been having lots of fun inside too. Like using the ottoman as a bed!

Peter shows off a good looking outfit that Daddy used to wear when he was a baby.
Peter and I are working on puzzles up in my room. He kinda gets in my way a lot, especially when I am really concentrating on something, like reading books and doing puzzles. But this time I am teaching him how to put this puzzle together. I really love doing puzzles now, and am getting pretty good at them.

Hello Petey!

One of my new favorite things is Mr.Giraffe. Our friend Sara gave it to me and Peter, and I quickly took it over as my own. Although Peter really likes it and I let him play with it too. That is why the nose of Mr.Giraffe is always wet- Peter likes to give him kisses.

Petey sucks down a bottle of milk. Milk is good!

Mom and I were playing with play dough one day, and I suggested we make Uncle Mike's boat and us fishing in it. So Mommy helped me, but I told her everything to put in it. You can see the motor, and the people and a fishing rod catching a fish! I do like going to Uncle Mike's cabin a lot!

Peter sleeps with his butt in the air. It is pretty cute!

I don't think Grandma Radzak thought the toy she bought me could be used in so many ways! This way makes me very tall!

Peter is tickling me!

My mom's cousin came over last week and brought her 2 boys. They are 2 and 4.5 years old. We had a lot of fun! I really liked showing them my tent downstairs and all my cars and toys.

I like my brother Petey. Today I was taking a bath and Mommy was laying Peter down for bed, and without any prompting, I shouted out so he could here me "I love you Petey!".

Pete has fun with Aunty Shelly!

Hmmm... now what??

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