Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Time

It has been the best fall time ever! It has stayed warm, and dry, and now that the mosquitos are gone, we have had lots of time to explore. I pretended to beat the drums on this tree.
My new favorite place to play has been across our stream, which I can walk over now because there is hardly any water in it, in the bushes under the pine trees. These big leaves make a cool fort for me!

My new favorite game to play is tag, where Mom is constantly "it".

Mom told me to hold my tractor up for a picture, so here it is! My new favorite toy!

Here I am making some roads in the leaves with my tractor.

And Mom rudely interupts me for a picture. I am not saying CHEESE for this one.

On of our many neighborhood kitty cats. I chase him around saying "Hi, Kitty cat!"

The best part about fall is jumping in the leaves!

Peter and I are just playing outside. Peter is borrowing a walker from our friend Caitlin. He should only need it for another month- he's getting the hang of walking.

And I am finally not afraid of my four wheeler! I push the button and go, go, go!

I need to get my beauty sleep after all this outdoor time fun!

And Peter too!

Petey, at 10 months old

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