Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Lots of Visiting

Before Mommy and Daddy left on their trip to San Diego, I got to see lots of people. Of course our last stop was at Grandpa Gerard's house, where we stayed while Mom and Dad were gone. Tractors are my new obsession. I can't get enough of them. Now one of my favorite things to do is watch Youtube videos with Dad of tractors and combines. Although I only get to see those for a few minutes each day. They don't want me addicted to Youtube at such a young age.

Grandma picked up this super neat lunch box for me, and I discovered a new way to eat an apple! It fits right in the thermos cup- my hands don't get sticky this way!

I am brilliant!

I got to go to Auntie Shelly's new house finally. Uncle Trevor has a bobcat! He even let me sit in it! Super cool!

Playing with Auntie Shelly was fun!

We were playing with a sombrero! Which is super neat, but I have to ask- Uncle Trevor, why do you have a sombrero??

We even got to see Mommy's friends Emily and Dave, and Eleanor who is 2, just like me. I had a fun visit and Pete really enjoyed the pink bouncing horse (is that what it is??). Thanks Emily and Dave for letting us spend the night. We want to come visit again!

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