Monday, October 24, 2011

A Beautiful October

Our friend, Joe, who is 6 months older than Pete, is pretty fun to play with. We took a hike in the woods with him last week and enjoyed the crisp October air. It may look like Joe is about to hit Petey here, but he is just going in for a hug. This guy is the biggest hugger of all babies. And he especially likes hugging Peter, probably because Pete is still smaller than him and can't escape very quickly.

You can see my butt trail going down the hill. Very fun sliding down soft sand, but I bet snow will be more fun!

There's Petey!

This is Mom's friend Petra and her dog too.

Can you find me??

Peter likes playing on my motorcycle. He is good pulling himself up, and today he has been trying to get his leg over to ride it, but just isn't tall enough yet. Pete is looking good in one of Daddy's baby outfits.

Thanks for the apples Grandma and Grandpa Gerard! Pete and I love eating them!

So a couple of things happened for the first time last week. Peter successfully climbed onto the bow window and stood up all on his own, and I climbed out of my crib and fell onto the floor. I was pretty scared of what happened, so I haven't tried it since. I told Mommy I landed on my tummy and that it hurt, but I didn't cry, just whimpered a bit. Pretty soon I will be getting a real big boys bed!

Pete is modeling another piece of Dad's baby wardrobe, but this one actually looks the age. It has the letters, A,B,C on it. It is a little snug on him- Mom didn't keep it on for long.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

My New Rain Jacket

Mom and I ventured out on a misty day last week, and I sported a new rain jacket given to me by one of Moms coworkers. I was playing in the front yard and Mom was cleaning some things in the garage, when I wandered to the backyard, and this is how Mom found me about 2 minutes later. I'm a fast climber! And I was able to climb down all by myself too!
This is our new house. The best feature is the van in the driveway.

I heard a lawn tractor down the street so Mom and I went for a little walk to check it out. I am pointing the right direction.

And then I had a nice swing session. What a fun day!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Boo at the Zoo

Last weekend Auntie Shelly came up and we all went to Boo at the Zoo for trick-or-treating! I love candy! Now I have a big bag of candy, and Petey has one too. I can't wait for Halloween to go trick-or-treating again. Unfortunately the animals were not dressed in costumes.

Mom caught a picture of my back side while waiting for the hayride.

Peter was the cutest gorilla I have ever seen.

Auntie Shelly took me on the hayride and gave me candy to enjoy too. Yum!

Look at that cool tractor!!!

After the hayride, the tractor driver said I could sit on his lap for a picture, but I said no. For a whole week after the hayride, I told Mommy how I didn't want to sit on his lap. At least Mom doesn't have to worry too much about me going with strangers!

Back Down to the Grandparents

Peter LOVES to be held upside down.
And he loves to play Peek-a-boo.

Grandma R makes snack time fun! There were different goodies in each cup!

I am just like Granpa Radzak! I can blow the deck clean!

The blue chair brings out Petey's blue eyes!

We celebrated Grandpa Gerard's birthday too. Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Apparently Grandpa and I are the same age, if you look at the number of candles he gets to blow out.

Peter free stands for the first time!

Of course, Pete was standing longer, but Mom wasn't ready with the camera and just got the end of this milestone moment.

On the Inside

We have been having lots of fun inside too. Like using the ottoman as a bed!

Peter shows off a good looking outfit that Daddy used to wear when he was a baby.
Peter and I are working on puzzles up in my room. He kinda gets in my way a lot, especially when I am really concentrating on something, like reading books and doing puzzles. But this time I am teaching him how to put this puzzle together. I really love doing puzzles now, and am getting pretty good at them.

Hello Petey!

One of my new favorite things is Mr.Giraffe. Our friend Sara gave it to me and Peter, and I quickly took it over as my own. Although Peter really likes it and I let him play with it too. That is why the nose of Mr.Giraffe is always wet- Peter likes to give him kisses.

Petey sucks down a bottle of milk. Milk is good!

Mom and I were playing with play dough one day, and I suggested we make Uncle Mike's boat and us fishing in it. So Mommy helped me, but I told her everything to put in it. You can see the motor, and the people and a fishing rod catching a fish! I do like going to Uncle Mike's cabin a lot!

Peter sleeps with his butt in the air. It is pretty cute!

I don't think Grandma Radzak thought the toy she bought me could be used in so many ways! This way makes me very tall!

Peter is tickling me!

My mom's cousin came over last week and brought her 2 boys. They are 2 and 4.5 years old. We had a lot of fun! I really liked showing them my tent downstairs and all my cars and toys.

I like my brother Petey. Today I was taking a bath and Mommy was laying Peter down for bed, and without any prompting, I shouted out so he could here me "I love you Petey!".

Pete has fun with Aunty Shelly!

Hmmm... now what??

Fall Time

It has been the best fall time ever! It has stayed warm, and dry, and now that the mosquitos are gone, we have had lots of time to explore. I pretended to beat the drums on this tree.
My new favorite place to play has been across our stream, which I can walk over now because there is hardly any water in it, in the bushes under the pine trees. These big leaves make a cool fort for me!

My new favorite game to play is tag, where Mom is constantly "it".

Mom told me to hold my tractor up for a picture, so here it is! My new favorite toy!

Here I am making some roads in the leaves with my tractor.

And Mom rudely interupts me for a picture. I am not saying CHEESE for this one.

On of our many neighborhood kitty cats. I chase him around saying "Hi, Kitty cat!"

The best part about fall is jumping in the leaves!

Peter and I are just playing outside. Peter is borrowing a walker from our friend Caitlin. He should only need it for another month- he's getting the hang of walking.

And I am finally not afraid of my four wheeler! I push the button and go, go, go!

I need to get my beauty sleep after all this outdoor time fun!

And Peter too!

Petey, at 10 months old