Thursday, November 25, 2010

Peter is showing off his milk tongue. Yuck!

What better toy is there than an empty diaper box??

Visiting the Fam

Last weekend we visited the grandparents. My cousins came over to Grandpa's house to meet Peter and play with me too. These are all my cousins here.

Here is Grandpa and Grandma with all their grandkids!

Me and Auntie Linda.

Me and Auntie Shelly.

Here Pete is meeting Aunt Shelly for the first time.

My little brother!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Neatest Eater Ever

Mom says I am the neatest eater ever. As proven by these pictures...

Week 2 with Pete

Here is Peter in his little sleep sac that Mommy's friend Deb made for him. She also made him a beautiful blanket too, kinda like the one she made me when I was born. She is such an excellent knitter- Pete says 'Thanks so much Deb!".

All nice and cuddly warm!

Deb and Gena came over bringing great gifts for Peter. They are so nice. And Deb also let me rummage through her purse, which always is lots of fun for a curious toddler.

Little Pete lounging about.

His hair sure is fluffy!

Just us boys watching some Wheel of Fortune. Dad is teaching me to be as good as he is!

Mom and I are just playing in these photos. I found my Tigger hat and just started running laps. No jumping like Tigger, but I will learn that soon enough! Mom did pretty good for her first week alone with me and Pete. I was extra cuddly this week too- Mom's not sure if it is because of all the cuddling with Peter and I just wanted some of that action too, or because I have new teeth popping out all over my mouth and I am just extra sleepy and sore.

Here I come, sliding around the corner!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Brother Pete A Week Old

Well I have made it a week sharing Mom and Dad with my new brother, and I think it is going to be okay. Although Daddy has been home from work, which has been super fun having all that attention, I think even when he does go back, Mom will have plenty of time for me, especially because Pete sleeps all the time. Besides, all I have to do is flash Mom one of these smiles, and she will do anything for me!

Could I get any sweeter???

We have had lots of visitors in the last week. Uncle Mike, Aunt Jill, Uncle Justin and Audrey (8 weeks old) came up to visit last Thursday evening.

Little Pete with his eyes finally open!

But he is never awake for long...

Grandma and Grandpa Radzak came up last weekend and played with me while Mom and Dad finished all their house projects. They brought me a cool race car track! Thanks for the present! I love it!

Pete awake again!

Yesterday we went to Gramma and Papa's house. This is my goofy smile!

And this is Pete at 6:30 this morning, when he should have been going back to sleep for Mama, but instead was wide awake, ready for a photo shoot!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Welcome Home Peter!

Daddy is so silly thinking he can get a good picture of himself with his boys. Doesn't he know I am a toddler and don't know what it means to sit still???

Grandpa Gerard came up on Thursday to watch me while Mom and Dad got ready to bring Pete home. When they did come home, I tried sharing my fish crackers with Pete, but Grandpa didn't think that was a good idea.

Then I tried to give Pete a high five, which was super cool because Pete's hands were already in the air! I will have to teach him how to give knuckles soon too!

Here I am trying to get Peter to say hi to everbody on the phone. But he was too embarrassed to talk on Dad's old style cell phone. He said he only talks to other babies on his iphone.

My New Baby Brother!!

I finally have a baby brother! His name is Peter Nicholas and arrived Tuesday morning at 2:55. Mom and Dad got to the hospital with hardly any time to spare- Peter came within 1.5 hours of arriving. They had to wait for my baby sitter Linda to arrive. She was very speedy to get to the house, but I didn't even get to see her in the morning. Because the baby came so soon, Dad was back at the house by 6 AM to get some sleep and send Linda home. Then Daddy took me in the morning to visit Pete and Mom. Grandma Gerard showed up to watch me throughout the day- thanks Grandma, I had lots of fun with you!
Mom and Pete's picture together right when she got to the hospital room. If Mom only knew the pain she would endure in the next hour, I don't think she would have been smiling too big!
There was no time for an epidural for Mom, so she had little Pete the old fashion way- drug free.
Pete was 9lbs 2.5 oz and 20.5 inches long. Chubby little guy, just like I was!
Daddy holding his boys!
Pete looks a little alien-ish, but still cute!
Saying his prayers before bed- just like I do before my bedtime.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Happy Halloween!

This was my first Halloween trick-or-treating! Mom had to go to work though, so that was a bummer. But I had lots of fun with Daddy! I was a bumblebee and my little brother was a pumpkin!

I wish Mom could have hung out with us for the evening, but little brother refuses to come out, so Mom's maternity leave hasn't started yet. Dad took me to my great grandparents house to visit for a bit, then to Mom's friend Linda's house for another quick visit, and then back to the house where we walked around the block for yummy candy. Then I helped Dad give out candy to all the other trick-or-treaters who stopped by. There are lots of kids in our neighborhood. Unfortunately, Mom and Dad haven't been sharing my candy with me. I don't understand how Mom and Dad can eat the candy, but then they tell me it is bad for me to eat. Hmm.. doesn't make sense!