Saturday, June 5, 2010

They Might be Giants

I got to visit the doctor for my 1 year check up the other day. Everything was going well until the nurse gave me 3 shots, and then I had to get my blood drawn from my little finger. All the results came back normal for the standard tests, so that is good. That means I am eating enough meat to keep me from being anemic, and there is no lead in me so all those China toys I have been sucking on for the last year have been lead free. Yeah China!

So of course you are wondering my stats. I am in the 97% for height, measuring in at 32 inches and I weigh 24.5 lbs. Momma still has me beat; she was a whopping 25.5 lbs when she turned 1. I beat Daddy though; he was only 23lbs 11 oz and 31 inches long. The doctor is only guessing right now, but she predicts I will be taller than Dad when I am full grown. That is cool! Watch out Uncle Jim, I might tower over you too!!

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