Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Look Down

FYI- I added a little video clip down below past the last few blog entries. Don't miss it, cuz I look cute in it, as usual.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Grandma's Marathon

Daddy ran Grandma's marathon last weekend, and did great! He finished in less than 3.5 hours. He is so fast!

Dad jumped in Lake Superior at Canal Park after the race. Brrrrrr!!! Ice cold, but he said it felt great! Oh Dad, you are crazy!!

While Dad was cooling off in the lake, I explored all the rocks on the shore. You can imagine how happy I was- rocks everywhere! My heaven!

Ahh, yes. I found the one. Let's have a taste...

Robin's Eggs!

A robin made her nest right by our screen door above the deck. Mom peeked in there and this is what she saw- 4 pretty blue eggs! The Mama Robin has been nice sitting on her nest, but now she is getting feisty, and dive bombs us whenever we open the screen door. The eggs haven't hatched yet, but they must be getting close for the Mom to be acting like that. I will tell you when my little pets arrive!

I Like Summertime!

This is what I look like when Daddy watches me!

Going for a ride on my bike!

This is what Dad saw one night when he checked on me. Can you find me in there?? I was sleeping so nicely, but Dad took the covers off my head. I kind of liked my little cocoon I made for myself.

Getting Better!!

This video is 2 weeks old. You should see me walking now!

Finally, It Stopped Raining!

I love my swing!

"What are you looking at?"

Bye bye!

Here, have a rock. I tried it already. Not the best, but not the worst I've ever tasted.

Under our apple tree. If a tree and me are alone in the forest, is the tree big or am I small?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Fun at the Beach

Last week we went to Grandpa Radzak's house and took the boat to the beach. It was so much fun. I love playing in the sand and walking in the water. Mom was bumming because she didn't have her camera with her to take videos or pictures, but she was able to get this little clip from Grandma's camera.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Look How I've Grown!

Well, it has been over a year now, and I thought I would share with you some pictures to show how much I have grown in only 1 year. Can you ever believe I was this tiny??

6 weeks old

So precious in Mommy and Daddy's hands.
Here is Mom at 3 months.
And me at 3 months! I definitely think we are related!
Here's Dad at 3 months too.
Not many people can sport a comb-over like this one. It's pretty handsome, I know. Fortunately, Mom still didn't cut my hair until 2 months after this picture was taken, so I got to really grow this hair-do to it's full potential.
6 Months old, taken beginning of December 2009.

I am just THAT cute!

Look at my adorable round face! I am turning into such a big boy, Mom misses my big chubby cheeks!
9 Months old!

And 1 year old! Check out those pecks!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Back to the Zoo

Mom and I went to the zoo yesterday and I got charged by a little gosling! We came around the corner of the trail in the stroller, and this family of geese here were on each side of the trail, and one of those little guys came running at me! What a mean little guy! But luckily it backed off once it saw my big muscles.

It was such a beautiful day yesterday! So sunny, so we made plans to go back there today with Landon and Melissa. Unfortunately it has been raining hard non-stop all day today. At least I got one good day with Mommy off of work.

This is fun! I like the nice warm sand! And this time Mom was proud I didn't try to eat too much of it. Instead I have switched to throwing it over my head. Mommy thought she dusted me off just fine, but realized her mistake when she took my shoes off in the living room. What a mess!

Wagon Ride!

I love my red wagon! It was a gift from my great Aunt Joannie, before I was even born! She knew how much I would like it! I took my fishing rod and me and Mom headed down to the creek in our yard.

Getting ready to go fishing, just like Daddy!

All done! Mom did run into one problem though- I kept standing up when the wagon was moving!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

They Might be Giants

I got to visit the doctor for my 1 year check up the other day. Everything was going well until the nurse gave me 3 shots, and then I had to get my blood drawn from my little finger. All the results came back normal for the standard tests, so that is good. That means I am eating enough meat to keep me from being anemic, and there is no lead in me so all those China toys I have been sucking on for the last year have been lead free. Yeah China!

So of course you are wondering my stats. I am in the 97% for height, measuring in at 32 inches and I weigh 24.5 lbs. Momma still has me beat; she was a whopping 25.5 lbs when she turned 1. I beat Daddy though; he was only 23lbs 11 oz and 31 inches long. The doctor is only guessing right now, but she predicts I will be taller than Dad when I am full grown. That is cool! Watch out Uncle Jim, I might tower over you too!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Orange and White Striped Little Man

Daddy had to work late tonight, so after me and Mom went rollerblading this evening, Mom thought it was a good idea for a photo shoot in my new pajamas.

Trying to get the last drops out of Mom's cup.

Booo! There is nothing left, but at least I have a bottle on the way. Yes, I am still drinking from a bottle, but only one in the early morning and one at night. Otherwise I am a big kid and drink the rest of my milk out of a sippy cup during the day. Soon we will be making the full transition to sippy cups only. That will be a sad day, because Mommy doesn't warm the milk up in the cups like she does in the bottles.

Next, we moved on to the pie pans. They can be very noisy!

This is fun!

My 'deer in the headlights' look.

I am a Walker!

Hey everybody! Check out my first steps! This occured last Friday, May 28, a week after I turned 1 year old. I am still pretty shaky, and Mom hasn't counted more than 10 steps at a time, but it is definitely a start to my walking lifestyle. Just call me Luke Walker, better yet, Luke SKYwalker!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Weekend at Breezy Point Resort

We spent Memorial weekend with my Grandpa and Grandma Gerard and my Grandma's side of the family. My great Uncle Mark and Aunt Kris were so generous and paid for a condo to stay in so we could all be together. I had so much fun swimming (I loved the kiddie pool!) and just relaxing with my relatives. Grandma bought me this adorable puppy hat when Mom and she went out shopping. It will keep me super warm this winter!

Uncle Mike is making me laugh. He knows my ticklish spots!

Grandma's always the best to snuggle with!

Trying to get into mischief. Hmmm... only a few more months and then I might be able to reach the the countertops. Now Mom's going to have to really watch out!
Why am I not getting any juice??

I'm coming to get 'cha!

The stairs there were really neat. I could see people through them as I was going up and down! Peek!!!