Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Uncle Jim and Aunt Lindsay Visit

Uncle Jim and Aunt Lindsay came to visit a few weeks ago. We had a big party for them to celebrate their wedding since many of their aunts and uncles weren't able to make it out to San Diego last fall when they got married. Uncle Jim and Aunt Lindsay stayed with us for a few days and we got to do lots of fun things, like visiting Enger Tower, hiking at Lester Park, and swimming at The Edge Waterpark.

Here we are at Enger tower. It was a beautiful day!

One of my favorite things to do is climb big rocks now. I am getting better, but still need help from Dad sometimes. Even Pete made it up this big rock too!

Uncle Jim and Auntie Lindsay at Lester Park in Duluth.

Of course we hit the playground at the Park too. Can never pass up one of these!

Practicing on the balance beam.

Look at the pretty fall day!

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