Thursday, October 18, 2012

Target Shopping Trip

   We went to Target yesterday with Mom and Dad to pick up a couple things. Here is a play by play of the trip.
   As we entered the store, Peter spotted another 2 year old girl ahead of us, and pointed while repeatedly saying "Baby, Baby!".
   We then picked up our things we needed, and proceeded to the Halloween aisle to check the scary things out. Peter had to pick up almost every pumpkin trick-or-treating bucket he could get his hands on.
   Then we headed to the toy department to get ideas for my Christmas list. We really liked all the excavators and bobcats. I had Dad get one down for me and immediately made myself at home and laid on the floor and started scooping and dumping with it.
    Next was check out time. So Mom and I walked to the cashier while Dad chased Peter down (he had made a quick escape from the toy section when he heard we had to go).
   After paying we waited for Dad to get Peter out of a private employee room, and watched him skip/jump down the hall,(we think he was trying to jump on the lighted parts and avoid the shadows on the floor). He than ran ahead of us, out the double automatic doors, after saying "Thank you" twice to each door that opened for him.
   It was a fun trip!
The End

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