Sunday, May 22, 2011

My Second Second Birthday Party

Since I cut my birthday party short by taking a nap, I got to have a second 2nd birthday party at Grandpa Gerard's house today, Sunday. I opened the gifts that Uncle Mike and Grandma and Grandpa got me. They were great! I actually got a power drill!
Then Grandpa took me on a tractor ride. He even let me steer! I was concentrating so hard driving the tractor that I couldn't smile for the picture.

Then Peter and Dad joined us and I got to drive some more!

Meanwhile, Mom was cutting rhubarb and looked at the giant leaves, and thought maybe she could make a cabbage patch baby out of Pete, since people have commented on him looking like one! So poor Peter was subjected to the 60 degree, cloudy day in nothing but his diaper. What parents will put their kids through just to get a good picture...!!

The kitty came by to distract Peter, and he liked it.

Mom likes her little cabbage patch baby!

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