Sunday, May 22, 2011

Happy Birthday To ME!

It is my birthday today! I am 2 years old! In preparation for my big party, held on Saturday at Grandpa Radzak's house, Peter and Mom baked a cake on Friday for me. Peter didn't understand that he's supposed to eat the cake, not the cake box!

Mom and Pete decorated the house before me and Dad arrived after staying overnight at Grandpa Gerards on Friday.

Pete had fun helping Mom and Grandma get ready for my big party.

Auntie Shelly came to my party! I was so happy to see her!

Sometimes you just have to take a second to scratch an itch, even if you have an audience.

Peter with Mommy, having a fun time at the party.

The Hoekmans join the party!

Mom and Pete welcome everyone.

I invented a fun game to torture my cousins with. The sliding train!

And I'm the leader!

Hannah was trying to escape from a photo shot, but Dad got her!

Peter and Grandpa Gerard say "Hello" after not seeing each other for a couple weeks.

As food was being prepared, we dragged out the Legos and Jack helped me build a huge castle.

...Peter still saying "Hello" to Grandpa. I think he really missed him!

Peter was pretty excited to see Uncle Mike too!

So not even half way into my party, I put myself down for a nap. But I made Great Grandpa Sundstrom lay down with me. It was short lived though. I was up in no time squealing and running around again. I was still very tired though, which led to my present opening meltdown, which I will explain later.

Mom made me a Curious George cake! The only thing is that it didn't really look like George, but it did look like a monkey, so close enough for me!

We had brats and hot dogs and lots of yummy side dishes to eat. After we ate, I opened a few presents. When I opened the lawnmower from Aunt Shelly and Uncle Trevor, I lost all interest in the other unopened presents and wanted to play with the mower right away. Which led to a big tantrum when Mom took it away from me. But then she let me play with it downstairs, but I was being so disobedient even then, that they had to put me down for a nap right away. That I did not complain about because I was so tired. So I am very sorry to everyone who brought me wonderful gifts, but was too grumpy and tired to thank. I really do like all the presents, which now I have already brought out and played with now that I am home again.

After my nap, most everyone was gone except Aunt Shelly and of course Grandpa and Grandma and Mom and Dad. It turned out to be a beautiful afternoon so we went for a stroll around the loop and found lots of puddles to jump in!

This is a big one!

Grandma and Grandpa got me a life preserver so now I can go on the dock and be safe. I got to feed the fish for my first time. I wanted to touch them, but just couldn't reach for enough into the water.

Heading back up to the house- tags still on the preserver.

Great Grandpa and Grandma came back to the house after shopping in Minneapolis. It was good to have more people back to the party, because we still needed to have cake!

Peter, getting kisses from Grandma.

It finally was time to blow out my candle! I actually had to be forced to sit still, but once they lit the candle, I was totally into it!

Get ready, set...


And I'm 2 years old!

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