Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Talking Machine!

Well, not quite yet, but I do say lots of words now. I just turned 17 months, and these are the words I can say: pop, cheese, beer (Dad loves that one), hot, bean, cup, apple, meow, peek, key (and try to unlock the doorknobs), teeth (when I see my toothbrush), ball, broom, babe, sock, hat, and as of yesterday, I can say HI, especially when I hold Mom's cell phone to my mouth. I like to offer my sippy cup to my stuffed animals, kiss my baby doll, and can blow on hot food. Mom is having so much fun watching me learn new words, which has been almost every day now!
Sorry no pictures on this blog entry- just needed to document all my accomplishments. And one more that I am proud of- climbing onto the table chairs, and if you don't think that is impressive, I have then been known to climb all the way up to the table. Unfortunately Mom and Dad say this is a "no-no" so I haven't been able to show off this new skill very much.
I will keep you updated with further developments!

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