Monday, October 25, 2010

My Pumpkin!

I helped Dad carve our pumpkin the other night. It is huge! We got it from Grandpa Gerards pumpkin patch. I can't wait until Halloween! Daddy is going to take me trick-or-treating!

Yep, it's a pumpkin all right!

But it doesn't taste that great...

I did help, even though it looks like Dads doing all the work.

Oooohhhh! Cool! "Hot, hot!" is what I kept telling Mom and Dad.

Aunt Shelly and Grandma came up on Sunday and Monday. I love having company! Shelly brought a cool air mattress, which was hours of fun for me!

And Grandma brought me some adorable new clothes! I was running out, and Mom said I probably wouldn't make it until Christmas. I can't help that I am just growing so fast!

Me and Aunt Shelly just chillin'.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Talking Machine!

Well, not quite yet, but I do say lots of words now. I just turned 17 months, and these are the words I can say: pop, cheese, beer (Dad loves that one), hot, bean, cup, apple, meow, peek, key (and try to unlock the doorknobs), teeth (when I see my toothbrush), ball, broom, babe, sock, hat, and as of yesterday, I can say HI, especially when I hold Mom's cell phone to my mouth. I like to offer my sippy cup to my stuffed animals, kiss my baby doll, and can blow on hot food. Mom is having so much fun watching me learn new words, which has been almost every day now!
Sorry no pictures on this blog entry- just needed to document all my accomplishments. And one more that I am proud of- climbing onto the table chairs, and if you don't think that is impressive, I have then been known to climb all the way up to the table. Unfortunately Mom and Dad say this is a "no-no" so I haven't been able to show off this new skill very much.
I will keep you updated with further developments!

Monday, October 18, 2010

A Visit From Baby Audrey

Grandpa, Aunt Jill, and my cousin Audrey came to visit today. It was so fun to have visitors. Grandpa helped Daddy on the house, while Auntie Jill, Audrey, Mom and I went for a walk and played inside. Mom was surprised with how gentle I was with the baby, and is less nervous for when my little brother arrives.

I am soooo big compared to little Audrey, who is a month old now.

I am such a big boy, sitting so nice by Mommy for a picture. Little Audrey matches Mom today, all in pink!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Boo at the Zoo!

On Saturday, Mom and Dad and I went to Boo at the Zoo for trick-or-treating. I got candy, which I haven't seen since then (whats up with that Mom and Dad????), and got to meet up with my friend Caitlin to play. I was in the stroller for the first bit, but as soon as Mom let me out, I was gone. I was giggling the whole time- running around and bumping into all the other kids dressed up too.
These prairie dogs were having some Halloween fun with a special treat.

The hooded costume only lasted 2 minutes- then Mom couldn't keep it on my head for anything.

Don't get too close! I will sting you!!

My little giraffe friend is Caitlin. She was super cute in her costume.

Trick or Treat!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

More Construction

Dad got some of his work buddies over to help install the new bow window. They did a great job!

I was the supervisor of course. Strutting around with my sweeper/squeegee, picking up their messes.

Outdoor Fun

It is middle of October, and I still have outside time everyday. The weather has been outstanding!

My neighbor friend said I could come over anytime to use her older child's swingset, so that is exactly what I have been doing every day! The swingset is kinda old school, and I may get tetanus if I fall and scratch myself, but it is still fun and new to me!

Now I just need a baby brother to sit on the other side to make this thing work!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Beautiful Fall Day

Last week Lindsay and Uncle Jim came up to Duluth, so we all piled into the van and did some sight seeing. Lindsay even let me wear her cool shades!

We took Lindsay to Bagley Nature Center, right by UMD where Uncle Jim went to college. It was so pretty!

Then we went to Canal Park and threw rocks in the lake. That was fun too. I will miss the warm weather, but as Dad says, the best is coming up- ski season!

Uncle Jim and Lindsay practicing there rock skipping skills.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sippy Cup Overboard!

I was helping Grandpa keep his boat clean by throwing leaves overboard, but got a little carried away and threw my sippy cup over too. Grandpa had to do a 180 to rescue it!

Aunt Shelly skillfully capturing the sippy cup.

Here is Aunt Shelly's catch for the day. Good teamwork to Grandpa and Shelly!

Hmm.. all this action got me thirsty- good thing I have my cup back!

Fishing with the Fam!

Grandpa took us out for a boat ride on Sunday, and Dad, Lindsay, and Uncle Jim fished off the back. Within the hour, they caught 3 fish! I don't like the fish though, because when Aunt Shelly showed me one in the live well, it tried to escape and jumped and hit me in the face! I recovered though- it was just a little scary, thats all.

I don't like this life preserver. Mom forgot to bring my good one from home though. I don't see anyone else wearing this ridiculous thing- not fair!

Aunt Lindsay and me in the front of the boat catching some falltime rays! It was a beautiful weekend!

Daddy's second catch of the day.

Lindsay caught a Northern Pike too. Good job to Lindsay and Daddy!

Lindsay and Dad with the catches of the day.

Little Cute Audrey!

Mom and Dad got to visit my little cousin Audrey- only 2 weeks old! She is soooo cute!

Auntie Jill with one of her other babies!

Audrey was awake for most of the visit- busy hiccuping, sneezing, and making cute little baby sounds.

Probably the last profile pic with Mom and Aunt Jill. Mom is due in about 5 weeks! I can't believe I am going to have a little brother soon!