Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hot Summer Evening

Our basement is a nice place for a cool break in the summertime. Mom finally got pictures of me riding my cow that Grandpa Gerard got for me long time ago when I was still too tiny to ride it. It has gotten lots of use, but Mom has just been too lazy to ever retrieve the camera from way upstairs to take a picture of me on this. Here I am giving Mr.Reindeer a ride.

And here I am playing peek-a-boo with Mr.Reindeer. He is a good friend of mine.

And here is Peter wading in our kiddie pool with shoes on. Mommy sent Pete out the door telling Daddy to watch him for a minute while she put shoes on, and when she came out, this is where Pete was. Good babysitter Dad!! Poor Pete was saying, "Wet,wet! Cold!".

Mowing the lawn. The wet shoes didn't seem to bother him.

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