Sunday, July 22, 2012

Beachtime, Again!

We had another great day on the beach at Coon Lake. We went there last Monday and Tuesday. We also went to the Hoekman's house to play with all my cousins. Auntie Linda gave me all the chocolate milk I could handle! Thanks Auntie Linda!

Pete drives the boat with Grandpa.

Me and my Auntie Shelly. I love Shelly!

I am getting very good at swimming. I can do the back float and go under water now.

Peter makes everyone laugh by pouring water over his own head!

He appears confused though because he meant to pour it over Auntie Shellys.

This is gross yet fun!

Peter gets messy playing in the sand.

I impress Mom by my climbing skills.

Peter is ready to go!

After a delicious dinner, Grandma treated us to dessert, straight from the can!


We have a relaxing evening and then we headed back up north to see Daddy.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Weekend With the O'Briens

Our friends Sara and Jon and their kids came up to visit us last weekend. It was so much fun. I told Mom that Olivia is my new best friend! We got to use our new pool. It was very refreshing, especially because we just filled it, so it was super cold, and it was super hot out, a very good combination. Even Mom and Dad got in because it was so hot. 

Little baby Isla played in the grass. She is sooooo cute and little, I told Mom.

 Peter says "NO!" to the sprinkler in the pool.

My first sparkler! I held it but was not too interested in it. Maybe next year.

Sara gets Pete to smile by tickling his big cheeks.

Baby Isla likes our toys! This was Pete and my favorite toy when we were 6 months old too.

Peter checks out the view at Enger tower.

Peter tries to catch up with all of us heading to the Liberty Bell.

Climbing the tower. Thanks so much for coming to visit O'Briens!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Coon Lake Beach

We went to the beach this weekend at Grandpa Radzak's house and had so much fun! The water was 88 degrees! I am feeling very comfortable in the water now, and love swimming soo much! I got to push Peter around in his little floaty. That was fun!

Pete accepts a seaweed from Grandma.

Peter is stealing some noodles from someone. Better put them back Petey!

Grandma's neighbors were out in the water too, and I got to play with them. They shared their noodles with us. That was nice!

Peter likes jumping into the water from the boat. Good thing Dad is there to catch him! I am still kind of afraid of doing that. Peter is much braver.

Swimming with Auntie Shelly.

Good spot for touring the lake. You can see everything from up here!

Here we are, on our approach to Grandpa's house... hehe  (Grandpa wishes!)
 The perfect way to end the day. A bowl of ice cream!!!

Big Bed!

I have a big bed! I have been very excited to go to bed because I finally have a big boy bed!!
 Now I have bunk beds that Dad just made for me, but I spent a few nights on the floor like this before we got the bunk beds up. I will have to show you updated pictures soon of my bunk bed. That is awesome too. Right now the top bunk is my tool and work shop. There isn't a matress up there yet, so I can use my hammer and other tools to fix things up there.

Hot Summer Evening

Our basement is a nice place for a cool break in the summertime. Mom finally got pictures of me riding my cow that Grandpa Gerard got for me long time ago when I was still too tiny to ride it. It has gotten lots of use, but Mom has just been too lazy to ever retrieve the camera from way upstairs to take a picture of me on this. Here I am giving Mr.Reindeer a ride.

And here I am playing peek-a-boo with Mr.Reindeer. He is a good friend of mine.

And here is Peter wading in our kiddie pool with shoes on. Mommy sent Pete out the door telling Daddy to watch him for a minute while she put shoes on, and when she came out, this is where Pete was. Good babysitter Dad!! Poor Pete was saying, "Wet,wet! Cold!".

Mowing the lawn. The wet shoes didn't seem to bother him.

Lake Superior Beach

Last week we packed up our swim things and headed to the beach on Lake Superior. It was our first time this summer. It was very very windy there so we didn't swim, but we did have fun with our friends, Josie and Petra, playing in the sand. We even ran into Mom's friend with her three boys, so there were even more sand toys to share. 

 I got a little bit sandy!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cat Pool

It has been sooooo hot in Duluth lately. This morning Mommy told me she was going to get out the kiddie pool for us to play in. I thought that was a great idea. So when Mom and I walked outside, I asked her " Can you get the cat pool ready?". Silly me!