Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Weekend at Uncle Mike's

I got to drive Uncle Mike's boat! Here I am just practicing- it is still on the lift. But Uncle Mike really let me drive the boat. Super fun!

Petey got left behind on all our fishing outings this weekend. But he was still happy hanging out at the cabin.

Mom and I are ready to catch some big fish!

Bye Grandma and Pete!

Just having fun on the boat. I am a good fisherman, except that I got Cheetos all over Uncle Mike's boat. Sorry!! (But they were good!)

Daddy caught a big fish, almost bigger than me!

"Keep that thing away from me, it might try to eat me!"

Mom caught a nice walleye.

Coloring away with my crayons, and my yummy snack.

Peter was happy we returned to play with him.

That night Mom and Pete went for a walk while the rest of us went out to fish. But we both caught the beautiful sunset.

Here we come!

The next morning we attempted to catch some fish before church, but no such luck.

We did see this beautiful eagle fly by us.

Then Mom had to drive back home to go to work. But we stayed with Grandma and Grandpa and spent the rest of the day swimming. We love Uncle Mike's cabin!

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