Thursday, August 11, 2011

Just Hanging Out

Peter is a messy eater! And a BIG eater too! He eats so much food!
That's right! That's me, in the creek! It was a hot day, and I wanted to explore.

Our neighbor, Abby, came over and fed Pete while Dad supervised me in the creek.

Shoes and all, this is great!

Uncle Mike and Grandpa and Grandma Gerard have been up quite a bit to help us side our house. It has been really great seeing them all so much!

Peter likes playing in the sandbox now, although he still tries to eat things, but not bad enough that Mom has to take him out. Just like to point out the digger on his shirt. Pretty cool! For those of you that don't see me often, I may or may not be totally obsessed with construction equipment like diggers.

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