Monday, August 29, 2011

Taking it Easy at Grandma Gerard's

Pete says "It's pay back time Audrey!". Peter is now bigger than Audrey, and now that he is crawling around, the tables have turned. He is batting at Audrey instead of her batting at him. Of course it is all in love and friendship! Peter likes having a cousin around that is his size, he just needs to learn to be gentle, like I have learned to be gentle with him.

Pretty Aunt Jill cuddles with Pete for a picture.

Something must be funny- I bet it is me!

Another Beach Day

I take driving the boat very seriously!
I like to jump, jump, jump and then fall down and splash!

After a great evening of swimming, I was so hungry and politely shoved Golden Grahams into my mouth.

Check out Grandpa's giant hand!

What's going on up there??? Pick me up!

Grandpa took me for a ride on the 4 wheeler too. Fun!

Peter enjoyed Grandma's good cooking!

Playtime inside while it rained out. Shelly and I were busy coloring pretty pictures.

Hard at Work

Daddy took a week off from work last week for vacation, but we ended up spending it fixing up our house. We are now almost done with the whole siding project, with my and Pete's help of course.
This is definitely my idea of a good vacation! Nailing and hammering and sawing are my favorite things to do!

Mommy will post some new pictures of the house. It is very pretty now!

After a hard days work, Pete and I sit down to watch one of my favorite movies, Ice Age.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Taking Grandma to the Playground

Grandma came to visit us for a couple days so I decided to take her to a great playground, because it has a digger there!
Mommy brought a yummy snack for me and Pete.

This is my favorite playground toy!

Grandma and Pete take a little break. It was hot out!

Don't eat the flowers Petey!

Teeth Happen

Pete has a tooth! Finally! His first tooth, a bottom one, has made it's appearance over the weekend. It's still a tiny thing, but I will have to watch out now. I hope Pete doesn't become a biter! He already is a grabber! I had to get my haircut because he was grabbing my hair and hurting me.

Our neighbor let us play in the blowup fun house of their's for an evening. How fun! Peter practiced his Statue of Liberty pose.

Mom wasn't even handing him the balls. He would pick them up and then hold them high like this. What a funny brother I have!

This is fun!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Weekend at Uncle Mike's

I got to drive Uncle Mike's boat! Here I am just practicing- it is still on the lift. But Uncle Mike really let me drive the boat. Super fun!

Petey got left behind on all our fishing outings this weekend. But he was still happy hanging out at the cabin.

Mom and I are ready to catch some big fish!

Bye Grandma and Pete!

Just having fun on the boat. I am a good fisherman, except that I got Cheetos all over Uncle Mike's boat. Sorry!! (But they were good!)

Daddy caught a big fish, almost bigger than me!

"Keep that thing away from me, it might try to eat me!"

Mom caught a nice walleye.

Coloring away with my crayons, and my yummy snack.

Peter was happy we returned to play with him.

That night Mom and Pete went for a walk while the rest of us went out to fish. But we both caught the beautiful sunset.

Here we come!

The next morning we attempted to catch some fish before church, but no such luck.

We did see this beautiful eagle fly by us.

Then Mom had to drive back home to go to work. But we stayed with Grandma and Grandpa and spent the rest of the day swimming. We love Uncle Mike's cabin!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Just Hanging Out

Peter is a messy eater! And a BIG eater too! He eats so much food!
That's right! That's me, in the creek! It was a hot day, and I wanted to explore.

Our neighbor, Abby, came over and fed Pete while Dad supervised me in the creek.

Shoes and all, this is great!

Uncle Mike and Grandpa and Grandma Gerard have been up quite a bit to help us side our house. It has been really great seeing them all so much!

Peter likes playing in the sandbox now, although he still tries to eat things, but not bad enough that Mom has to take him out. Just like to point out the digger on his shirt. Pretty cool! For those of you that don't see me often, I may or may not be totally obsessed with construction equipment like diggers.

Uncle Jimmy Visited!

Uncle Jimmy came to visit a couple weeks ago. It was great to see him! Who's that peeking out of the apple tree?? It's a very tall Pete!
Peter is reaching for an apple, one out of the 5 apples that is growing on our tree this year.

Look at those muscles on Auntie Shelly! She needs them to lift up heavy Peter!

I like being way up here! I will have to get used to it, because I am on my way to becoming a giant like Uncle Jimmy!

Just having a chat with Grandpa.

Look at me! I'm climbing the apple tree!

Grandma and Peter have some snuggle time inside.