Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Midweek Visit to Grandpa's and the Hoekman's

A couple weeks ago, Mom surprised us by taking us down to stay with Grandpa and Grandma in the middle of the week. We got to see Grandma Gerard too and my cousins.
Exploring Aunt Linda's backyard.


Feeding the fish at Grandpa Radzak's house is fun!

An interesting looking frog we saw on the deck. Looks like a rock!

I got to drive the boat! I didn't do too great though, but what would you expect, I'm only 2!

Peter got a shot at it too! He had fun, until he got bit by a horsefly. Ouch!

Pete didn't seem to mind his life preserver. He did pretty good for his first time out in a boat.

It was too cool to swim though. Maybe next time!

Checking out the view from the deck. I can see the four wheeler and lawn tractor, which can occupy my time for hours just sitting on them. Those are my favorite things at Grandpa's house!

"Who set me here??"

Aunt Shelly with Pete.

Some floor time with Grandpa.

Pete tells me he loves Grandpa!

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