Thursday, June 30, 2011

Weekend of Fishing

We went up to International Falls this past weekend to fish and celebrate Uncle Mike's birthday.

Pete was happy on the boat under the umbrella Grandma brought.

I was a pretty great fisherman. I didn't complain too much, and played with my toy cars for the most part.

Uncle Mike went fast! I liked that the best!

We fried up the 3 Northern Pikes we caught that morning. Yum! I like fish!

While Uncle Mike cooked the fish, I was busy tanning my cheeks!

I was too busy to take time to put a swim suit on. Plus I didn't want any tan lines.

I went in all the way up to my arm pits, and then Mom couldn't go any further since she had shorts on. I would have kept walking if Mom hadn't stopped me! I didn't seem too affected by the cold water.

The pretty sunset.

Our last time on the boat before leaving for home. No fish this time.

Grandma got me this great cap that says "Im a Keeper". Mom says 'True to that'!

Misty Day

Mom and I ventured out on a misty, icky day. But it turned out to be lots of fun!
I am looking for an airplane that I heard. Loud!

I may be 2 years old and not a baby anymore, but I am still pretty cute!

Of course Daddy built me a huge sandbox, but my favorite place to play is Mom's flower bed. She doesn't have any flowers in it yet, so it is still ok to play there. I like looking under the rocks for 'snakes', meaning worms.

Peter's On the Move!

Peter is creepin' and almost crawlin'! He has been pushing himself around the house for the last couple weeks, in the backwards direction. Mom better get those baby gates up again!

My Best Friend and I

Peter and I can do lots of things together now. Daddy has been taking us for bike rides. It is really fun! We go up the bike trail and get to stop and play by a little shelter and picnic table then turn around and come home. As you can see, we still need our warm gear for biking. It is only June, what temp do you expect, the 70s?? Yeah right!

Giving Pete kisses, but I don't think he likes it.

Pete is happy here though.

Having a mid morning snack.

Pete, looking happy as usual.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Midweek Visit to Grandpa's and the Hoekman's

A couple weeks ago, Mom surprised us by taking us down to stay with Grandpa and Grandma in the middle of the week. We got to see Grandma Gerard too and my cousins.
Exploring Aunt Linda's backyard.


Feeding the fish at Grandpa Radzak's house is fun!

An interesting looking frog we saw on the deck. Looks like a rock!

I got to drive the boat! I didn't do too great though, but what would you expect, I'm only 2!

Peter got a shot at it too! He had fun, until he got bit by a horsefly. Ouch!

Pete didn't seem to mind his life preserver. He did pretty good for his first time out in a boat.

It was too cool to swim though. Maybe next time!

Checking out the view from the deck. I can see the four wheeler and lawn tractor, which can occupy my time for hours just sitting on them. Those are my favorite things at Grandpa's house!

"Who set me here??"

Aunt Shelly with Pete.

Some floor time with Grandpa.

Pete tells me he loves Grandpa!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Weekend of Parties

In the beginning of June we had a bunch of Daddy's cousin's graduation parties to go to, all of them in Duluth. My cousins came up with Grandma and Grandpa and we got to play the whole weekend! We even got to go to canal park to chase the sea gulls and see a ship come through the lift bridge. Peter cried when the loud horn from the ship and bridge sounded. I wasn't expecting it either and pooped my pants. Literally. Dad had to go change me right away.

I bet Grandpa Radzak didn't think that 3 boys could fit on my Harley when he was making it!

Practicing my baseball skills with Grandpa and my cousins and Dad.

Cuddlin' With Pete

I know I haven't posted anything in a while. Sorry! So there are some older pictures coming up, but only by a few weeks. We are wearing short sleeves here, because it used to get into the 60's at the beginning of June. However, the last 2 and a half weeks it has hardly made it into the 50s!! But the weather is supposed to make a change for the better here, so 'Sandbox, here I come!'.

Since we have been stuck inside for days, I have been getting pretty good with wrestling with my little brother. I still don't completely understand the concept of "Gentle with Pete" when Mom and Dad say it , but I am getting a little better. I like to give him hugs and kisses, without prompting from Mom and Dad even. Pete and I are going to be best friends!

This was taken a few weeks ago when it was shorts weather. Petey says "Thanks for the great outfit Emily and Eleanor!"

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

It is Daddy's special day, and all the other Daddy's out there too! We had a fun day of church (which I was very good in, and got to go to the playground after as a reward) and then came home for Daddy's favorite meal, tacos! Our present to Dad was a DQ ice cream cake! Yum!

Pete says,"I love you Dad, and Grandpas and Great Grandpas!"

Mom was taking too long getting the knife and plates- I just couldn't wait to try the cake!

Hope Grandpa Radzak and Grandpa Gerard and Great Grandpa Sundstrom and Papa had a great day! We love you sooooo much!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Hike in the Park

On Saturday, it was so warm and sunny out, we decided to go to Jay Cooke State Park for a hike. I am quite the hiker now, but since it was during my usual naptime, I let Daddy push me on the uphills, but I still ran down most of the hills. That was so much fun! Then we went to a playground after that, which was also a lot of fun. What a great day!

Stop to smell the flowers!

Funny faces for the camera!

A big stretch! I am getting tired out!

This was one of the good long downhills. I can really cruise down them!

I only had one stumble, and Dad picked me right back up. No tears were shed, because I'm a big 2 year old now.

Me and Dad, strolling side by side. I love Daddy.