Monday, January 10, 2011

Taking Down the Tree

Well Christmas is over. Now it is time for the clean up. I helped Mom and Dad take down the tree last week. Peter got out of it. His excuse was that he is too small and can not coordinate his arms and legs together to actually do anything productive. Pretty bad excuse if you ask me. But he did kinda help by occasionally throwing us a smile, or a fist in the air to cheer us on for the long task.

I got sidetracked by Petey's cuteness and had to go in for a kiss. First on the lips...

..and then on the head. I think he is getting used to permanent wet hair on the top of his head from all my kisses.
Then I could sense he wanted a pacifier. "This is how it goes Pete! Open up like how I'm doing it."
Awe, yes. A job well done- just slightly crooked is all.

So to help Mom and Dad clean up, first I had to empty everything in this box that was neatly placed in it. Next step- get in the box, naturally.
Then, from inside the box, do a total surveillance of the progress I caused by taking everything out of the box and strewing it all over the living room. Another job well done I would say!
Then a final examination of the pine cone. Check. Now I can get back to work.

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