Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I Have a New Uncle!!

Aunt Shelly got married this last weekend! Trevor is now my Uncle! The wedding was super pretty! They got married at Glen Cary Church, where Mommy and Daddy got married almost 10 years ago. The reception was at a golf club hall- very, very fancy. I would like to say the food was good, but I didn't really eat. I was too busy exploring and dancing, and rolling around on the floor acting silly. Then Aunty Linda picked me up so Mom and Dad could have a good night without watching me running all over the place. Welcome to the family Uncle Trevor!

Aunt Shelly is looking beautiful.

More pictures will be posted later once we get them back from Mom's friend Sara, the photographer.

Mom and Sara, having a good time at the reception. Sara did Mom and Shelly's make-up and hair, and was the photographer too. She is so talented!

Uncle Jim and soon-to-be Aunt Lindsay holding Peter. They flew in from San Diego. We probably won't be seeing them until their wedding day, in September. And I heard Mom talking to Dad about not even bringing us out to the wedding. How could they even think about leaving us home?? Well, hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa Gerard would be pretty fun for a few days. I hope they will take me and Peter in!

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