Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cute Little Boys

Mommy caught me sleeping on my big bear the other night. He was a Christmas present from Mom and Dad, and now I can't sleep without him. He makes a good back rest.

Peter is looking cute and happy, as usual!

Tool Time

Dad, Peter and I had fun on the bed playing with my tool sets that I got for Christmas. It is my daily routine. But this time Daddy joined us (usually it is just me and Mom) so it was extra fun!

We took some head measurements. Pete's is pretty small.

I have a big head, in case you didn't know that about me yet.

But Daddy's head is even bigger!

Monday, January 24, 2011

A Bucketful of Fun

Do I fit??

Yep! I do!
What is more fun than playing in a Luke-size pot? Nothing!

Lookin' Good Peter

Mom dressed Peter in some of Daddy's old clothes. He looks pretty cool!

These cool pants come with feet! Mom says I need some of those, because I always take my socks off. But then I might always be taking my pants off Mom!

An old turtleneck of Dad's.

Peter is starting to laugh now. It is a really low chuckle, but super cute!

Playdate with Caitlin!

Last week my friend Caitlin came over to play with me. We had lots of fun chasing each other and crawling through my tent tunnel. We found out you can fit two toddlers going through it from different directions!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I Have a New Uncle!!

Aunt Shelly got married this last weekend! Trevor is now my Uncle! The wedding was super pretty! They got married at Glen Cary Church, where Mommy and Daddy got married almost 10 years ago. The reception was at a golf club hall- very, very fancy. I would like to say the food was good, but I didn't really eat. I was too busy exploring and dancing, and rolling around on the floor acting silly. Then Aunty Linda picked me up so Mom and Dad could have a good night without watching me running all over the place. Welcome to the family Uncle Trevor!

Aunt Shelly is looking beautiful.

More pictures will be posted later once we get them back from Mom's friend Sara, the photographer.

Mom and Sara, having a good time at the reception. Sara did Mom and Shelly's make-up and hair, and was the photographer too. She is so talented!

Uncle Jim and soon-to-be Aunt Lindsay holding Peter. They flew in from San Diego. We probably won't be seeing them until their wedding day, in September. And I heard Mom talking to Dad about not even bringing us out to the wedding. How could they even think about leaving us home?? Well, hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa Gerard would be pretty fun for a few days. I hope they will take me and Peter in!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy Baptism Peter!

Peter was baptized on Sunday. He looked very handsome in his white tux.

His favorite part was when the priest poured the water on his head. He stopped fussing instantly. But that makes sense, because he really does like getting his hair washed at home too.

Aunt Linda and Uncle Charley are his Godparents.

Back at home, Aunt Jill and Audrey look pretty for the camera.

Peter and Mom pose for the camera too.

Even with the holy water and oil, Peter's hair still is nicely fluffy!

The cake says it all!

Pretty little Audrey.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Playtime at the House

I love my blanket, otherwise known as 'bink'.
This is my favorite spot to play. Prime location allows me to keep watch of the neighborhood activities and still gives me a full view of the living room too.
Mom with Peter. He is 2 months old now!

Taking Down the Tree

Well Christmas is over. Now it is time for the clean up. I helped Mom and Dad take down the tree last week. Peter got out of it. His excuse was that he is too small and can not coordinate his arms and legs together to actually do anything productive. Pretty bad excuse if you ask me. But he did kinda help by occasionally throwing us a smile, or a fist in the air to cheer us on for the long task.

I got sidetracked by Petey's cuteness and had to go in for a kiss. First on the lips...

..and then on the head. I think he is getting used to permanent wet hair on the top of his head from all my kisses.
Then I could sense he wanted a pacifier. "This is how it goes Pete! Open up like how I'm doing it."
Awe, yes. A job well done- just slightly crooked is all.

So to help Mom and Dad clean up, first I had to empty everything in this box that was neatly placed in it. Next step- get in the box, naturally.
Then, from inside the box, do a total surveillance of the progress I caused by taking everything out of the box and strewing it all over the living room. Another job well done I would say!
Then a final examination of the pine cone. Check. Now I can get back to work.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wrapping it Up

After we got home from our long visit in the cities, we decided to enjoy the unusually warm above freezing temps and go out for a hike. Dad pulled me in a sled and Mom had Peter in a front pack. It was fun to be outside, but my little tush got cold and wet.

Mom was happy to be outside on her birthday!

When we got back, Dad put me to work shoveling the driveway. I am a very good helper!

The rest of last week we just chilled out and played with our new toys. Christmas time is fun!

Mom says I am such a good sharer. I bring lots of things to Pete for him to play with.

Thank you everyone for all the great gifts! You all made this Christmas so fun and special! Have a great New Year!