Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fun on the Fourth!!

Our family friend's, Sara and Jon and their 2 kids Olivia and Sulivan, came up to Duluth to hang out with us for 3 whole days over the 4th. I had so much fun with them! On Saturday we went to the beach at Park Point. Even though I cried every time I touched the water (it was freezing!!), I enjoyed playing in the sand with Olivia. Here I am waving to Mom and Dad and Jon, who were all crazy enough to go underwater in chilly Lake Superior.

Me and Olivia stayed back and she showed me how to build sand castles!

Basking in the beautiful sun!

Was up?

Beach time could be my new favorite thing to do.

Nothing wrong with tasting the sand/sea weed/driftwood debris.

Daddy attempts to take me swimming, but I wasn't having it.

Who's that on Daddy's tummy! My new brother come early?? Nope, its baby Sullivan!

That evening we enjoyed smores on the fire in our backyard. I see a tasty bit of marshmallow on Sara's hand, yum!

Olivia looking cute as always!

We used humongous marshmallows, which make the smores sooo much better, but impossible not to get all over the place.

It was 96 degrees on Saturday, which made the fire watching a bit warm yet. But it was still fun!

On Sunday, we went to the Lake Walk and the beach there was loaded with rocks instead of sand. You can imagine my excitement when I saw all the rocks!

I was a happy boy!

Mom and Sara.

Look at my messy legs!

Little Sullivan playing at the house.

So, here is the aftermath of fireworks. Mosquito bites!

And the end of the long weekend... super fun but exhausting!

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