Sunday, July 11, 2010

Another Fun Weekend!

Aunt Shelly and Trevor came to visit this weekend. It was another super hot day in Duluth, so we hit the beach on Saturday, and Lake Superior was actually kinda warm!! We ended the evening with a huge bonfire and smores. On Sunday, we went up Ely's Peak. That was fun too, but I got a little whiny at the end. The trail was packed with blueberry bushes, which I determined was my new favorite fruit. Then we came home, and after my 2.5 hour nap, watched my family eat a delicious meal Trevor and Shelly prepared for us. And by watched, I mean just that, because I was too busy throwing all the food that was being presented to me. See, I am teething again, and my apetite is low and I only want to eat fruit, yogurt, and crackers. But Mom and Dad said the food was awesome! Thanks Aunt Shelly and Trevor!

Up on top of the big mountain of Ely's Peak!

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