Friday, July 30, 2010

The Pirate Ships are Back!

Mom and I went down to the rose gardens to watch the pirate ships come in to the harbor to start the Tall Ships Annual Festival. There were 9 ships that came in, but of course I was too busy napping and only caught the entrance of the very last ship. But that is ok, because it was still super cool to watch AND I got a good nap in too. The ship was even shooting off their canons!

Zoomed in. Pretty neat huh?

I was way more interested in throwing rocks into the lake than watching the ships. And I got to laugh because when Mom picked me up to dip me in the water, she dipped a little too far and got the back her jean skirt all wet, so it looked like she peed her pants.

Zoomed in, you can see the ship entering under the lift bridge. Maybe on Tuesday we can actually make it down for the departure of all the boats, if it works out with my napping schedule. I have learned from Mommy how important naps are. She is always excited for me to nap so she can too- should I be offended about that?? Does she not want to play with me 100% of the day?? Hmm.. I am so fun to be with, it couldn't be that!

Grandma and Jack Came to See Me!

Daddy was at a conference this week, so Grandma and Jack came to watch me on the 2 nights Mom had to work. I had so much fun and saw so many people. They brought me up to Pike lake to visit my great grandparents, to see my Great Great Aunt Dorothy, and even Uncle Mike stopped by too. I love playing with so many different people. Then on Wednesday, Mom took us all to the zoo and out to yummy McDonalds for lunch. Even though I love my Daddy, it was a treat to spend so much time with Grandma and Jack.

My favorite part of the zoo is still the playground. And it made it even more fun having Jack there!

The Beach is the Best!

Last Sunday we spent the day on the lake. I had so much fun! We took the boat over to the beach and I swam and played with Grandma an Grandpa and Aunt Shelly and Trevor.

After a nice swim, we took a nice leisurely boat ride back. I was comfy in Grandma's arms.

Back on the deck just chillin' with Grandpa.

It's sleepy time now!

Monday, July 26, 2010

I Love State Parks!

On our way to Daddy's cousin's wedding on Saturday, we had time to stop at a state park that was nearby. It was a beautiful day. We played at the beach and took a nice, leisurely hike. The park was on Lake Mille Lacs. Despite the heat, the breeze from the lake felt sooo good and kept us cool.

There is no better place to observe a volleyball game than in the sand, almost in the middle of the game. I had the best seat! I would have liked to get closer, but Daddy kept me back.

Pretty soon I will big enough to join in!

I bet I have the roundest eyes anyone has ever seen.

I like being carried in the backpack, but it is really fun to walk on the trail on my own too.

Fishing on the Bay

A couple weekends ago Uncle Mike took me fishing on the St. Louis River bay. We didn't catch any fish, but I still had a fun time.

There was a cool big ship that came in under the high bridge to dock. We watched it back up into the docks.

After an hour of intense fishing, I was all worn out and let the motor soothe me to sleep.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Vanner's Club

Well, Daddy and I are officially Vanners! Mom refuses to admit that she is one now, but I am sure she will come around once we use our new van more. Check it out!

Me, checking out the co-pilot seat. I am ready to navigate on all our upcoming road trips.

It's like a real house in here! Think how many Lukes you could fit in here! Mom and Dad better crank out lots of kids to fill this thing up!

The proud new van owner-Daddy!

A Visit from the Becks!

My very good friend, Eleanor, came to visit me all the way from New York. I awoke from my nap, and she was there waiting for me to play. I was so excited to have a play buddy!

Ahhh, gazing out the window together, thinking of our future together... If only her parents could move them closer, the possibilities...

Mom's very best friend Emily.

We took them to the zoo with us. It was fun to go to the playground with a friend and to see all the animals too. A lot of the animals were sleeping in the warm afternoon though. Thanks Eleanor and Emily for coming to visit us!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Visit with Grandpa and Grandma

I had a great time visiting my grandparents on Monday and Tuesday, but I should apologize for my "out-of-sorts" mood swings. I am going through a rough time right now. Yes, I am teething again. So all I have really been interested in is sleeping and being cuddled by Mommy. But I still was able to play and crack a few smiles for Grandpa and Grandma and Aunt Shelly during the visit.

Sitting in the chair Trevor made for my grandparents. It's real sturdy, made of wood.

At the beach, where the water had to be in the 90°s!

Worn out from playing at the beach. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for a fun day!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Bloody Wound #1

Well, it happened. I finally got my first bloody wound. Daddy took me for a walk the other day, and I stumbled on a bump and superman'd into the pavement. I cut my upper and lower lip. There was a lot of blood, but in the end, the cuts weren't too big. No stitches necessary. I did cry for 10 minutes, just to make sure Dad knew how much it hurt, but he did make me feel better by giving me a cookie. Then I spent the rest of the evening laughing and running around the living room. Recovery in process.

Another Fun Weekend!

Aunt Shelly and Trevor came to visit this weekend. It was another super hot day in Duluth, so we hit the beach on Saturday, and Lake Superior was actually kinda warm!! We ended the evening with a huge bonfire and smores. On Sunday, we went up Ely's Peak. That was fun too, but I got a little whiny at the end. The trail was packed with blueberry bushes, which I determined was my new favorite fruit. Then we came home, and after my 2.5 hour nap, watched my family eat a delicious meal Trevor and Shelly prepared for us. And by watched, I mean just that, because I was too busy throwing all the food that was being presented to me. See, I am teething again, and my apetite is low and I only want to eat fruit, yogurt, and crackers. But Mom and Dad said the food was awesome! Thanks Aunt Shelly and Trevor!

Up on top of the big mountain of Ely's Peak!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Baby Robins

The little baby robins hatched a week ago, and now they are gone already! I am hoping they were just quick learners at flying. It doesn't look like anything got into the nest to eat them, so I think they are ok enjoying the nice summer weather now. It was fun to watch the mama feed them, but I didn't like getting swooped at each time I got near for a peek.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fun on the Fourth!!

Our family friend's, Sara and Jon and their 2 kids Olivia and Sulivan, came up to Duluth to hang out with us for 3 whole days over the 4th. I had so much fun with them! On Saturday we went to the beach at Park Point. Even though I cried every time I touched the water (it was freezing!!), I enjoyed playing in the sand with Olivia. Here I am waving to Mom and Dad and Jon, who were all crazy enough to go underwater in chilly Lake Superior.

Me and Olivia stayed back and she showed me how to build sand castles!

Basking in the beautiful sun!

Was up?

Beach time could be my new favorite thing to do.

Nothing wrong with tasting the sand/sea weed/driftwood debris.

Daddy attempts to take me swimming, but I wasn't having it.

Who's that on Daddy's tummy! My new brother come early?? Nope, its baby Sullivan!

That evening we enjoyed smores on the fire in our backyard. I see a tasty bit of marshmallow on Sara's hand, yum!

Olivia looking cute as always!

We used humongous marshmallows, which make the smores sooo much better, but impossible not to get all over the place.

It was 96 degrees on Saturday, which made the fire watching a bit warm yet. But it was still fun!

On Sunday, we went to the Lake Walk and the beach there was loaded with rocks instead of sand. You can imagine my excitement when I saw all the rocks!

I was a happy boy!

Mom and Sara.

Look at my messy legs!

Little Sullivan playing at the house.

So, here is the aftermath of fireworks. Mosquito bites!

And the end of the long weekend... super fun but exhausting!