Monday, April 26, 2010

Lions, Tigers, Seagulls, oh my!!

Mom and I went to the zoo today!! We are now members and not just regular members,we have a supreme membership that includes free passes for an additional 2 guests at any time on any given day, everyday. Sooo, if you stay on our good side, maybe you can come up and come to the zoo with us for free! It is only 2 miles from my house, so I think I will be seeing lots of lions, tigers and bears this summer!

The most fascinating and unusual birds we saw, I actually think they are on the endangered list, are these unique birds. You can see one is white and gray and another one is big and brown. They are called Sea Gulls and Canadian Geese. I don't know if you have heard of them because of their rarity, but they are beautiful. Being endangered however, it was interesting that they were the most prevalent in the park, and we had to avoid their poop from getting on my strollers tires. Maybe Mom is lying to me about there endangered status and meant to say they are the most "annoying" birds at the zoo, not beautiful. I still liked them though.

The mighty polar bear sleeping in the sun. Most of the animals were sleeping as we made our way through. But it was the first sunny day in a few days, so it looked like a good idea and would feel good. I have a cool puppet of this animal. It is one of my favorites (thanks Uncle Jim!).

In the middle of the whole zoo is a great playground. I had it all to myself!

This is so much fun!!


See the big lions in the background?? They were being pretty lazy too. We need to come during feeding time; they might get a little more excited. We did get to see the feeding of the bats in the nocturnal house. That was cool!!! Those zoo keepers are brave! There are tons of bats and the people just walk right in there and put there trays of fruit in place. They did say that the little bats eat just about their full body weight in food each day because they have a high metabolism. Just like me! Then they put food in the big bat cage. Those things were the size of rabbits with wings!
I also got to watch Mama feed the llamas! Those are hungry big fellows. All the other goats and sheep were jealous, but luckily some people came after us to treat them too.
I was a very good boy on this zoo trip. The only time I was on the verge of tears was when Mom took me in the exotic bird room, and we were checking out 2 big parrots, and they were so loud and scary! Mommy had to rush me out! But I kept it together and the floodgates never broke. I am such a great boy!

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