Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas at the Radzak's

Grandpa got a remote control helicopter from Grandma, and he showed us his skill at flying it around the living room. It is super cool, but a little too high tech for me to operate.
It's coming right for us!

Instead, I got to practice using my first remote control car! It has just one button, so it is easy to operate. The only problem is how loud it is- it kinda scares me!
Pretty cute new pjs from Aunt Shelly, right?

Our friend from Colorado, Laura, came to visit us too. It was my naptime, so I got to play with Laura for a bit, but then got into some things I wasn't supposed to, and was put to bed.
Mommy with Auntie Shelly.

Pete and I are just hanging out, waiting to open presents!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Aunt Shelly!

We went to Grandpa and Grandma's this last weekend to celebrate Aunt Shelly's birthday. I had yummy cheesecake and barbaque ribs. Delicious! I also got to stay at Grandma and Grandpa Gerard's house for the first time without Mommy and Daddy there. They came up for lunch and a visit on Saturday, and they took me back home with them for the night. It was so fun! They brought me to my cousin's house and I played and played until I was tuckered out.

Back at home, Peter and I (notice my good grammar, and I'm only 1!) played together. I think he likes watching me. I only tried to step on him once, but then I gave him a kiss to make it up to him.

Happy Pete! He is smiling more and more!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Shower of Presents for Auntie Shelly!

Last weekend Mom had over all her aunties for Shelly's bridal shower. I made a brief appearance to eat and to impress the ladies with my cuteness. Then I was off to bed for my nap.

Peter was awake for a bit of the time too. But I was way more fun to watch. Peter just burps and makes gurgling sounds. Not too impressive if you ask me. He does have the whole "baby" thing going for him though, which the women really seemed to like.

I was a bit confused when I found my high chair in the corner.

Beautiful Aunt Shelly. Only a month away 'til her wedding day!

Great Grandpa came over to pick up Great Grandma. I was so happy to see him! He is one of my favorite people in the whole world!

Like our hats?? We are looking pretty cool!

This was a fun game Grandma was playing with me. She was up for the whole weekend. I wish I could see her more!

Can you believe it??

Peter accomplished a tremendous feat, not once, but three times in a row! He rolled over! At 1 month old exactly, Pete beat me at rolling over by about 6 months. Of course he hasn't rolled over since last Thursday, but we will watch and wait to see it happen again. He is my strong little brother!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Happy 1 Month to Pete!

Peter has survived one month with me running all around, bumping into him, trying to feed him my food, poking him in the eyes, and kissing him like crazy. Good job Pete- if you have made it this far, I think you are in the clear. Maybe....!

The Holidays are Here!

Last weekend we went to Aunt Linda's house to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas with Grandma's side of the family. It was so much fun to play with my cousins and my second cousins who are toddlers just like me. I would like to say I enjoyed opening presents, but Mom and Dad put me down for a nap at that time because I was in a grumpy mood. It is hard to go a full day and stay happy, I don't know how you guys do it!

Pete got a stuffed Ernie for a present. He was so excited, it put him to sleep!

I don't know what it is about hats, but they make me want to run around the living room and kitchen.

Putting a hat on Pete does not have the same effect though.

Dad's cousin Shannon and her husband Jason came over last week to meet Pete. They even brought me a Christmas present- crayons for the bathtub!
We have enough snow to go sledding now. It is a lot of fun, until my mittens fall off or Dad lets me go down the hill by myself and I get white-washed. Thanks a lot Dad. Keep in mind that I am only one and a half years old!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving a Week Late!

We celebrated Thanksgiving in a couple different places. On Thanksgiving day, we went to my great grandparent's house and had a totally awesome, delicious feast. Great Grandma is such a good cook! Shelly took me for a chair ride to top the evening off.

Then on Saturday, we celebrated with Daddy's family at Grandpa Gerard's house. It was so much fun with everyone there. The meal was super good too, although I was too distracted by all the fun things to do to eat much.

Our friend Buffalo came from New York to visit and meet Pete. He came to visit me when I was about Pete's age too!


My pretty cousins, Hannah and Emma.
Pretty little Audrey and Pete pretty much slept the whole time. They will be a lot more fun in a year.

The little babies hanging out together.

Who's got the bigger foot?
P.S. Happy Birthday to Daddy!

Cute Little Boys

A couple more cute pics for you to feast your eyes on!

Going so fast, I am blurry!

New Toys for Me!

Well I have identified Mom's vulnerable times, when she is feeding Pete and can't do much to stop me from getting into mischief. I thought during this downtime, why not try Peter's toys out!

What??? Isn't this thing built for a 30 pound boy?

Hehe!! If I act cute, maybe Mom won't scold me!

This makes a much better 'tent' than a boring activity center for Pete. I think Mom should reconsider it's use.

Good neck strength Pete! Only 3 weeks old! Maybe you will crawl really early so you can start playing with me!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Peter is showing off his milk tongue. Yuck!

What better toy is there than an empty diaper box??

Visiting the Fam

Last weekend we visited the grandparents. My cousins came over to Grandpa's house to meet Peter and play with me too. These are all my cousins here.

Here is Grandpa and Grandma with all their grandkids!

Me and Auntie Linda.

Me and Auntie Shelly.

Here Pete is meeting Aunt Shelly for the first time.

My little brother!