Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Finally a fall day without rain or gloom! Mom saw the sun and wisked me out first thing in the morning for a Halloween photoshoot. She obviously didn't seem to mind sitting me in a pile of wet leaves.

Basking in the glorious sun that has made itself present only after 2 straight weeks of cloudiness.

That afternoon, we went on the bike trail for a walk, but you can hardly see the paved trail. It was beautifully covered with leaves. Which was great for me and Mom, but Daddy complained later when he was rollerskiing that the leaves kept getting stuck in his tires.

This is the last walk with leaves on the trees. Now (3 days later) they have all fallen down and it looks like November out there. Or so Mom says. I have yet to experience a Duluth November, but I haven't heard too many good things about them!

October Lounging

Hi everyone! My hand looks freakishly large in this photo, but Mom still though I looked cute, so she is posting it for you all to see. I got this cute hat and onsie from my great Aunty Kathy out in Maryland.

Mom caught me right as I was waking up. This was a great stretch!!

My cousins and Aunt Linda and Uncle Charlie went to Disneyworld this summer and brought me back this totally cool Tigger cap and onsie. Thanks guys, I love it!!

Can you believe it!!??? My first freestand!! Or is it......?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Newfound Voice

Just last week, I really discovered my voice, and how high pitched it can really get! Ever since then, I have been a squealing, squeaking, shrieking machine!

Fall Time

Here is my new toy Mommy bought for me at a craft sale. With help from my cousin Jack, I named it Blueberry Poptart. I like it alot, I think because of the the big eyes that look at me.

Daddy is making me giggle by making funny noises. He is so silly!

Last weekend I was at Grandpas house just hanging out. Me and Grandpa were having a very important conversation here.

Of course with my festive outfit on, Mom and Shelly and Grandma couldn't resist a photo shoot in Grandmas backyard. It was a beautiful, but cold, fall day!

Another cute smile for you to enjoy!!!

5 Months Old!!

Today I am 5 months old! I have grown so much in the last 5 months! It is fun to be alive- thank goodness I was born in the USA (as my shirt says, from my Grandpa R). I now get to eat more than just boring old milk. Mom has made me applesauce from scratch from Grandma and Grandpa G's apples. All natural! I also like the sweet potatoes and carrots I have tried too. Bring on the peas!! I am not yet rolling over, but I do push up and can support myself with my arms. My body is just so heavy though- it might be awhile until I can push myself over. I am sleeping about 10-11 hours each night. Mom loves that. And I take great naps too. Overall, Mom and Dad think I am the perfect 5 month old baby ever made!!!

He he... you don't know what this mischievous look is about, but I do!!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mini Comas

Mom was a bit concerned about me today. I had a 3 hour morning nap and then had a 3 hour nap in the afternoon too! I must have been growing a lot today! I need to give my New York friend, Eleanor, some pointers on taking naps. Her mom would really appreciate it I bet, since Eleanor never naps!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Few Firsts

Here is a huge Pumpkin that Grandpa and Grandma Gerard grew for me! It is 101 pounds! We are going to carve it this week.

This is me eating baby food for the first time. It is sweet potatoes, and I like it. It sure gets messy, though.

And I also got my first haircut today! Mommy cut it for me, and this is a photo of my new hairdo.

Weekend Visit

Last weekend we went to visit my grandmas and grandpas. Here are a few pictures from the Gerard's. It was Grandpa Gerards Birthday, so we got cake!

I got to see snow for the first time! It was cool. Too bad I didn't bring any skis. Here is a big Pumpkin that grandma and grandpa grew.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday Night Football

Last Monday we went to my Mom's cousins house to watch the Viking-Packers game. It was pretty fun- I got to hang out with my second cousin Landon. Even though we were in Wisconsin, we were all cheering for the Vikings, and they won the game!!
Football fan already??!! I am pretty mesmerized with the game on the huge TV.

Watch where you put your hand dude!

Mommy says the best part of being there was the new little puppy they had!! It was super cute. But luckily Mom didn't forget about me with the distraction of a cuddly soft puppy.

Mom with all the best things in hand- baby (the very best), puppy, and a cider beer (yum!).

Friday, October 9, 2009

A Visit from Auntie Jill

This week Aunt Jill came up to babysit me . That was so nice for her to come all that way to see me and to help out Mom and Dad. If you can zoom in on my T-shirt, it is a cool Harley shirt that Auntie Jill and Uncle Justin got me in Sturgis this summer. Sweet! Maybe next year I can ride out there with them- I could probably still fit in one of the saddle bags!

Balancing Act

Hmm.. not sure if this is child abuse or a sweet stunt, but I seem to not mind at all. Me and Dad are a good team!

Monday, October 5, 2009

I'm too Sleeply for This!

I guess Mom thought my 3 hour nap was long enough, so she rudely woke me before she left for work to feed me. Although I am always happy to eat, being woken up for it is just a bit annoying. I prefer to wake Mom instead of her waking me- she should know that by now!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Here Comes the Baby Cereal!!

I got to eat real food finally! Well, as real as baby rice cereal gets. I actually got the hang of it pretty quickly. I didn't spit too much out. Now Mom says I just need to practice opening my mouth wider.
The first few bites were a little stange. But I hung in there...
Then I got the hang of it and started liking it...
And then I was happily full!

Standing Tall

I have been standing pretty well, with support of course. Still no rollovers yet, but I will keep you posted!

Relaxing Weekend

Last Sunday Mom and I went to visit Grandpa and Grandma R while Daddy took a fishing trip up to International Falls to visit Uncle Mike. Mom and I had fun just hanging out, watching the football game, and enjoying the warm weather until it drastically changed that evening to cold windy grayness. That was the last warm day- it hasn't hit 60 degrees since then. I guess summer is officially over!

During a break from the Vikings game, Trevor (Aunt Shelly's boyfriend) bounced me in front of the mirror, one of my very favorite things to do!

Grandpa got me a new toy where I press things and they say the objects name. I don't have any toys like this yet!! Pretty fascinating! Thanks Grandpa!!

Here I am showing off my killer pjs. Daddy bought these for me before I was born, even before he knew I was going to be a boy! They are the best!

Petting Zoo

Last weekend I went to my first petting zoo! At Grandma Radzak's work, they had a celebration for the stores 83rd anniversary, so there were animals and face painting and hotdogs and ice cream! I had lots of fun because my cousins showed up too. I got to see a donkey and goat for the first time!

Grandpa Gerard brought this enormous pumpkin from their pumpkin patch at home. It's the biggest pumpkin I have ever seen! It weighs over 100 pounds. Grandpa sent it home with us to carve and put on our front step for Halloween. I bet once we hollow it out, I could fit inside it!!!