Monday, March 14, 2011

Playing Sleep

My new favorite thing to do is play 'Sleep'. I like it even more than playing with my tools now. I gather up all my stuffed animals, and pillows, and blankets that I can find, and we all pretend to sleep! It is really fun!

Playing Sleep on Mom's bed is even better, since the pillows are all in one spot!

Daddy with Peter. Sometimes Peter plays Sleep with me, but othertimes I don't like him to be on the Sleep blanket, and will try to push him off.

Great Grandma Sundstrom gave Mom this nifty plastic container, which I immediately claimed for my own and use it for my toys. I am getting to be a pretty good cleaner, and will put my toys in this after I am done playing.

I also attempt to ride on it, but it doesn't work very well as a seat.

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