Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The ExcerSaucer is Back!

Mom brought out the excersaucer for Pete this week. I played in this when I was little, and look, I can still play in it now!

But once Mom got the liner clean, it was quickly designated as a Pete Only toy. I have been coming up and showing him how to work all the neat thingys on it though.

Two is much better than one. Very impressive hat Peter!

Peter is getting so strong! He can even go on Dad's shoulders now like me!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Neighborhood Playground at Grandma's

The whole family went down to visit everyone this weekend. I had so much fun and got to play outside a lot! Grandma and Grandpa Radzak watched me on Saturday while Mom and Dad went out to dinner with friends in the cities. I got to play at the neighbors playground! They have so many neat things that I want in my yard too! Maybe I can get Daddy to build me a cool playhouse! We got to hang out with little cousin Audrey too. Peter liked that the most, because there was someone eye level he could play with. We also toured Grandma Gerard's work, and met all her great coworkers. She had a yummy snack for us too!

Grandpa giving me my first driving lesson! Beep beep!
Playing 'House' with Grandma.

Taking a walk to the playground. I spotted the playhouse!

Luke size house!

Would you like some water Grandma??
Knock knock! Anyone home??

Hmm... I must inspect this.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Spring Walk

It is finally nice out again! Daddy, Mom, Pete and I went for a walk, and I got to wear my new boots! Here is a picture of chubby Pete!

I did most of the walking, but it was nice to have the stroller around too on the way back, after all the splishing, splashing fun.

I was all smiles the whole time!

I love being outside!!

And I love my new boots!

My New Fort

I discovered another place that I can fit into- the ottoman! Fortunately Mom didn't stop me, and I turned this ottoman into my bed!

It didn't last too long though- it was a little on the short side for my long legs!

Petey, having a good hair day!

Weekend Update

This last weekend Grandma and Grandpa came over. On Saturday I had a lot of fun with them, and got to go up to my great grandparent's house too, but then on Sunday, I wasn't feeling very good. I got to snuggle with Grandma for awhile and then went down for a 5 hour nap! On Monday I was feeling much better!

Pete, waking up from a long snooze.

Me and George are going to sleep.

Everybody, don't move!

Playing with Grandma is so much fun!

I'm a little bit ticklish now!

Pete doesn't like tummy time too much because his cheeks weigh him down!

He does like Mommy though!
What a fun weekend with Grandma and Grandpa.

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Visit with My Great Grandparents

My Great Grandma and Grandpa came over last week and we ate some yummy bread Mom baked, and played in the living room. At the end of the visit, I was tired and settled in next to Grandma.

Who's under that cap??

I have to get Grandpa's hat on perfectly. Is this how it goes?

Playing Sleep

My new favorite thing to do is play 'Sleep'. I like it even more than playing with my tools now. I gather up all my stuffed animals, and pillows, and blankets that I can find, and we all pretend to sleep! It is really fun!

Playing Sleep on Mom's bed is even better, since the pillows are all in one spot!

Daddy with Peter. Sometimes Peter plays Sleep with me, but othertimes I don't like him to be on the Sleep blanket, and will try to push him off.

Great Grandma Sundstrom gave Mom this nifty plastic container, which I immediately claimed for my own and use it for my toys. I am getting to be a pretty good cleaner, and will put my toys in this after I am done playing.

I also attempt to ride on it, but it doesn't work very well as a seat.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Daddy took me out skiing last week for the first time! The skis are pretty big, and my boots kept popping out, but it was fun to be outside. I was in a really good mood and had a great time!

Crayons are For Eating, Right??

Blue tastes the best!

Hurray for Real Food!!

Peter has now turned 4 months old. He told Mom and Dad to bring on the real food, so they did! And Pete loves it! He is a hungry boy, and eats a lot already. Each day he keeps getting better and better at opening his mouth and not drooling as much. Mom and Peter and I went to his doctor's appointment the other day, and found out why he is such a hungry baby- he is 90% for height and 75% for weight. He beat me by just a bit in height, but I had a whole pound on him when I was his age.
Peter and Mom staring lovingly into each others eyes!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Sleeping Through the Night: The Abrupt End

Well, Peter only lasted one night. He was up again last night at 1 AM. Mommy thought she was done with those late night awakenings, but Peter had something else in mind. We will see what Peter has in store for Mom tonight!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Swimming with the Cousins

On Sunday night my cousins were in Duluth in a hotel with a pool! I got to enjoy pizza and swimming with them.

Peter didn't go swimming, but he still had fun hanging out with Audrey.
Aunt Linda is holding a very stylish Audrey in her pretty bikini.

Grandpa and I are practicing blowing bubbles, while my cousins pose for the camera. The water was nice and warm.