Sunday, February 27, 2011

Matching Men

Peter and I are sporting some excellant looking pajamas that Grandma and Grandpa G got us for Christmas. Peter is showing off his strong baby legs!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pictures Galore!

I know it has been awhile since my last post, but Mom is back to work again, and hasn't been able to help me lately. So now I have a bunch of random pictures to show you of what happened in the last couple weeks. Here I am making Daddy's valentine card. He liked it!

Dad, the cowboy, is tickling me!

Peter is such a happy baby. He hardly ever cries for Mom and Dad. Sometimes he makes Mommy cry though, like when he wakes up at 3 in the morning to eat! Just kidding! Mom doesn't get that upset, but she really would appreciate it if Peter would start sleeping through the night.

Reading time before bed, after taking a nice bath.

Peter, with Mom's baby blanket.

Pete likes to play superman on Mom's legs. He pretends to fly! I, on the other hand, do not like that game very much.

Taking a little snooze in the window.

Pete is in my bed with my bear! My bear makes a pretty good support, and I use him as a pillow.

This is a prime spot for watching TV.

My great Aunt Kathy came to visit us all the way from Maryland.

After the bath, Pete snuggles up in his sleeping bag.

Babies are so cute!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Boys

Here are all of Mommy's boys! Mom is bumming, because Peter turns 3 months old today, and she no longer has a newborn anymore. He is officially an infant. But Mom doesn't really care what the books say, I am still a baby to her too!

Bedtime...But not the way you're thinking!

I still like to play on Mom and Dad's bed the most. We keep the tool box in that room, and I only get them when I am on the bed, so that is really the main reason. Plus when Dad comes home we wrestle and bounce on the pillows. And Mommy likes to build forts with me too.

Could Peter's cheeks be any bigger?!

Tasting one of my screws. I still put my toys in my mouth. Mom wonders when I will outgrow that habit.


My pretty blues are looking at you!

Just chillaxin' on the bed.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Superbowl Sunday

You can see who we don't want to win! Except Mommy wants the Packers to win. Peter was forced to wear this bib by Daddy. Go Packers! (Don't tell Dad I said that!)
During a commercial break, Daddy took me for a spin around the loop.

Great Grandma's 85th Birthday Party

We had a surprise birthday party for my great Grandma on Saturday. And it worked! We totally surprised her! I was sleeping, so I missed her reaction, but I was able to join in later on. We had great food and great company. Happy birthday Great Grandma!!
Grandma Radzak brought the pretty cake, and luckily for Great Grandma, Grandma R just had the numbers 8 and 5 to blow out, not all 85 candles. That would be hard! Pretty soon I will get to blow out my own 2 candles!

Daddy's playing with me on the couch.

I'm very ticklish now.

Peter konked out in Aunt Shelly's arms.

Peter, giving Grandpa R a questionable stare.

And a smile to follow it up.

Here is Peter, again, konked out in Aunt Shelly's arms, a different sleep slumber though.

It's me again!

Check out these big feet!

I love being spun now. I get dizzy and when Shelly sets me down, I...

...fall over and laugh!!
And while I'm down, may as well try a somersault.

Sled Ride

Last week Mom, Peter, and I went down to visit Grandpa and Grandma Radzak for a few days. Mommy has to start work soon, so we thought we better go before it was too late. Daddy of course was busy working. We had a fun time playing outside- getting pulled by Aunt Shelly on the road and then on the lake too. I even got to visit my cousins for a bit- that was super fun to see them and their kitty cat too!

Shelly is so strong, she pulled me and Grandma both!

I had fun making a fort out of Peter's activity center.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Yummy Toast!

Hanging at the House

I escaped from Mom when we were getting dressed. I didn't get to stay this way for long though, even though it is my favorite way to be!

My new favorite play spot is on Mom's bed. We have tool time here, reading time, and wrestling time too.

When Peter isn't sleeping, he joins us. But Mom doesn't let him wrestle yet.

What a cute little boy I am! Hard to believe I am the tazmanian devil sometimes!

Peter is getting better at tummy time.

Sleepy Pete

Peter is snoozing nicely on Daddy's arm.

Peter and Dad, needing their space.
A close-up of the cute baby!