Monday, August 30, 2010

Toe Biter

Today, I had fun biting my dad's toes!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Camping Trip 2010

The start of our summer camping trip began very well in our new van!

Hey! I don't want to take a nap. I am too excited for vacation!!!

Oh, fine. I will sleep then.

A night of camping at Glendalough State Park in western MN. It was cart-in camping so we had to bring all our stuff from the van to the campsite with these carts, including me!

The pretty sunset after the rain. We got to hang out in the tent and play for an hour while it rained. Good thing we have a new big tent now!

Hey down there! You are so short, Daddy!

So pretty!

We went to Fergus Falls to visit Mom's cousin and her kids. I had a lot of fun running around and playing with them, but unfortunately it was prime time nap time, so I was a little fussy and they didn't get to see my best side.

The giant otter at the local park in Fergus Falls.

Me and Kelby running around having fun. He is 3 years old.

We went to Buffalo River State Park, by Moorhead, and walked through a Monarch butterfly colony. They were everywhere! Super pretty!

Me and Mom by the river, but it was quick- the mosquitoes were terrible!

There was this cool filtered, chlorinated swim pond that we had to go in, despite it being only 70 degrees. It was so great! Nice and shallow for me to walk and play in.

On our way to Maplewood State Park, Dad spotted this big pelican in Pelican Rapids.

Helping Dad build the fire at Maplewood State Park.

Home, sweet van.

I found another stick for the fire!

Me and Mom, with the van lurking in the background.

Different spot with Dad, but the van is still watching us!

The water was very pretty. Especially after the long hike we just took, it was nice to step out into the breeze on the lake.

Struttin' my stuff on the boardwalk.

Mom is cruisin' us back home in our trusty van.

Friday, August 20, 2010

15 Months Old!

So I just got back from my 15 month check up, and even after getting shots, I am in a pretty good mood! This is the first time I got to go on the grown up scale to measure my weight. I did really well and weighed in at 26 lbs 9.6 oz. I am now in the 100% percentile for height, at 2 feet 10 inches. The doctor says at this rate I will be taller than Daddy when I grow up!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Splashing the Evening Away at Aunt Shelly's

We went to Aunt Shelly's house after the baby shower and I got to go swimming in her large, warm, beautifully blue pool. I had lots of fun- so much fun that my lips turned blue from being in the pool too long!

Trevor was busy playing with me, making me jump.

I love my floaty raft. Thanks Grandpa and Grandma R for the great birthday present. I got lots of use out of it this summer!

The 2 Mommys!

We went down to the cities this last weekend for my Auntie Jill's baby shower. I will be getting a little baby girl cousin in less than 2 months!

Mom and Aunt Jill showing off their baby bumps! For those of you that don't know this, and Mommy feels very bad about not making all the phone calls (especially to all you CO friends out there) , we are expecting a baby brother for me in November!

Playtime with Auntie Shelly!

Aunt Shelly came for a visit and I had so much fun playing with her.

Warm Summer Fun

This summer has been so hot, I have been shirtless for most of it! Here is me and Dad and Mom just having a good time in our living room.

Getting into mischief!

Looks like I might be attempting a cart wheel, but I am pretty sure I'm falling over here.

Crash landing into the pillows!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Here I am playing with my Motorcycle. I am finally getting tall enough to ride it!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Flood of 2010

Last night our creek flooded. It rained so hard that the creek overflowed. Luckily our basement stayed dry, despite the water rising above the level of the basement and being only 7 feet away. It all happened very quickly, between 11pm and 12:30am. Mom came home from work at midnight and had to drive through a river going over our driveway and street! Then the water receded as quickly as it rose.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Well I am a little over 14 months old now, and I thought I better write down some things because I know Mommy will forget them when I get older. So just wanted to let you know by 14 months old, I could say Dog, Truck, Mama, and Daddy. Some of you may not be totally impressed, but you guys try coming out of a womb and learning to talk in one year, it is kinda hard! So Mom is loving it when I do say those words. And she is pretty sure there are other things I know to say, she just can't understand me all too well yet. I am also a very good eater now, once I got past my 1 year teething stage. And a good sleeper. About 11 hours each night and at least 2 hours of napping each day, although today I am on a roll and am up to 4 hours now.

Me and my Grandpa playing last weekend.

A diaper change that went bad. Mom handed me the container of fish crackers because I need to be preoccupied when diaper changing is going on, but I pulled the lid off and made a mess! At least Mom had her hands full so I got to eat all the fish crackers I could handle!
Here fishy fishy fishy! In my mouth you go! Yum yum yum!