Wednesday, December 2, 2009

We got our computer back.

Hi there! I'm back! Our computer has been restored, and I am ready to blog away about all my adventures and happenings from the past couple weeks. Lots of stuff happens in a babies life in that amount of time! Here are lots of cute pics for you to feast your eyes on!
I turned 6 months old on November 22. I am 28 inches tall. That puts me in the 90% for height! Mom thought for sure I would break 20 lbs, but she was wrong! I am so light at only 19 lbs 2 oz!

Dad is playing a beautiful tune on Mom's old clarinet. Mom broke it out to play me some Christmas songs. I did cry initially (those high notes are kinda loud and scary) but then I liked having the music in the house. Now Dad's playing is a different story...

Here is my grumpy face!

Sometimes I slap Dad in the face. Like this!

Check out my leg muscles!

Daddy does not know how to put on overalls! He got me stuck in them! Luckily Mom was nearby and heard my wails of distress and came to rescue me.

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