Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My First Camping Trip!

Me and Grandpa Gerard just chillin' by the campfire.

I had fun with my cousins. We roasted marshmallows when it wasn't raining on us, and they made brownies over the campfire. Mom said they were delicious!!

This is MN's largest red pine tree. How exciting!

This was Dad's idea of keeping me dry. It didn't really work- my face got completely rained on, but at least I look adorable in these pictures!

Grandma is taking care of me here. I had so much fun camping at Itasca State Park. I slept in a tent with Mom and Dad. It rained a lot but I wasn't affected much. I still got fed when I wanted and slept when I wanted. And I got lots of attention because I was the only baby there!

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