Sunday, August 23, 2009

Another Month Older

I am now officially 3 months old. Saturday was the big day. We went to the dragon boat races in Superior,WI. Dad raced on a team with a lot of Radzaks. They got 25th place out of 80 boats, and the most exciting part is they almost tipped their boat over! I just chilled out with Mom and Grandma and Grandpa R during the races. Dad has the red hat on near the back.

Tummy Time

Hi guys, this is video of my tummy time Mommy makes me do. I used to not like it as much, but now that I can lift my head better, I can do it for much longer and don't get as frustrated. Mom likes all the little sounds I make. In this video, I am practicing my lion roaring sounds.

My New Bouncing Saucer

Here is me in my new bouncer. Thanks to Grandma R's connections, we got this for free! I love it! Unfortunately, Mom's videotaping abilities are poor- sorry about the sideways video. I hope I get my brains from Dad!

Mom's Deserted Me!!

Here's my pretty blues looking at you!
As you all probably know, Mom has returned to work so I am now under the supervision of family and friends from the hours of 2:30 - 4:15 everyday. I was lucky enough to have both my grandmas come up and watch me for 2 days each this last week. We had lots of fun. And then my evenings I get to be home with Dad all by ourselves, so that is fun too. Dad took me running for the first time this last week. We went so fast! So fast that I fell asleep! Mom is a little disappointed I did so well in the running stroller because now she has no excuses to keep from running again. Sorry Mom, but you have to get back in shape and win some 5k races this fall!

Me and Grandma G cuddling on the couch. This didn't last long since I prefer to sit up now and look all around. There is so much to see now that I can see farther than 1 foot in front of me!

Me and Grandma R hanging out. Grandma's looking pretty in pink!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My First Camping Trip!

Me and Grandpa Gerard just chillin' by the campfire.

I had fun with my cousins. We roasted marshmallows when it wasn't raining on us, and they made brownies over the campfire. Mom said they were delicious!!

This is MN's largest red pine tree. How exciting!

This was Dad's idea of keeping me dry. It didn't really work- my face got completely rained on, but at least I look adorable in these pictures!

Grandma is taking care of me here. I had so much fun camping at Itasca State Park. I slept in a tent with Mom and Dad. It rained a lot but I wasn't affected much. I still got fed when I wanted and slept when I wanted. And I got lots of attention because I was the only baby there!

My New Friend Gena

This is Gena. She works with my mommy. She came to visit on the last week that mom was off from work. I got to show her how I can hit the alligator on my playcenter now. I don't like to brag, but it was pretty impressive. I think I hit it like 4 times in a row after really concentrating on it. I'm a showoff, what can I say.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Girlfriend

This is my girlfriend Olivia. Isn't she a cutie? She might be a couple years older than me, but I don't mind older girls. She has lots of experience, if you know what I mean. Like she can talk and walk and eat real food. Maybe she can help me out with those things when I get a bit older.

Beach Time

After a long day at the beach, I was pretty tired when we got back home.

Grandma set up a lovely bed for me to nap on in the boat.

Me and Mom and Grandpa wading in the warm water.

I went to my Grandma and Grandpa R's house on Coon Lake last weekend. We went to the beach 3 days in a row! I didn't go swimming, but I did catch a little catnap and lounged about on the pontoon while Mom and Dad swam. It was hot out! I touched the water with my feet, but it was still a bit cool for my liking. I got to stay at their house until Tuesday. It was great to be with my grandparents for so long! We had lots of fun!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Just Chillin'

Just chillin' out on the couch. And yes, Uncle Mike, I am very COMFORTABLE on this couch. It is the best!!
He he! I'm sticking my tongue out at you!!!

Mom got sick of the stroller so she strapped me up and we had a hiking adventure. Of course I fell asleep so I can't tell you what it was like, but Mom said I made her very hot and sticky, and she said I need to lose some weight so I'd be easier to carry. Well Mom, quit feeding me so well then!!

The Gerard's Visit

My mom finally captured me sucking my thumb. Here Grandma rocked me to sleep.

Grandpa is showing off how tall I have grown!

My first real look at a doggy! Not your typical dog though. My Aunt Jill brought her little Chinese Crested, Punky, up for a visit. I think I have more hair than him!

My Auntie Jill is holding me here. I look a little funny, but Aunt Jill looks beautiful! She brought me back a cool Harley shirt from Sturgis. I will fit into that soon and then be able to show it off. Thanks Aunt Jill and Uncle Justin!

Cool Week Just Hangin'

Playtime is always fun!
My classic eyebrow furrowed look.

My Aunt Shelly was extra comfy this day, so I decided to take a nap.

I love my Aunt Shelly.

Here's me and Dad just chillin' out watching some Youtube videos.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My 2 Month Doctor's Visit

On Monday I went to the doctor's and guess how much I weigh?? 14 lb 1 oz ! And I am 24 inches long! I have grown a lot in just 2 months, almost doubled my weight and gained 4.5 inches. Then the rough part came of the visit. I had to get 3 shots, 2 in one leg and 1 in the other. Man did those hurt, but after I cried to make sure Mom knew my discomfort, I immediately feel asleep for almost 4 hours. The doctor did say I would be extra sleepy all day- and she was right! I pretty much only woke up to eat a couple times in the evening and then still slept all night long until 6:30 in the morning. Unfortunately I have to go back for another shot in 2 more months. Booooooo!!

Time with my Auntie

My Aunt Shelly has come to play with my for the last week. We have had lots of fun; she makes me smile lots!

This shirt says it all! I can really show it off on my big belly!

Me and Aunt Shelly