Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Jesus!

We went to Grandpa R's house on Sunday to celebrate Christmas, and I got some more cool presents. I love Christmas, but Mommy told me I should really think about the reason for the season, and that is Jesus. So Happy Birthday Jesus!
Grandma is nice and soft in her brand new robe that we got her.

Was it absolutely necessary for someone to stick a bow on my head??

Or put me in a box just for a cute picture??

So... close... must... get... ornament... in... mouth...

Uncle Jim gave me some killer surfing shorts and t-shirt. I can't wait to go out to CA and pick up some chics and ride the waves!

If you didn't know me, you may mistake me for an 80 year old man, dressing from the '80s!

Too much excitement, I can't contain it!!!!!!

So long Christmas 2009- I can't wait 'til next year!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I celebrated with my Daddy's side of the family on Saturday. We made it down, even though it was blizzarding AND our one car broke down. We didn't let that spoil the fun though! I got so many wonderful presents from everyone. I love playing with them all- my other toys were getting pretty boring. Merry Christmas everyone, and thank you!!
Trusting Uncle Mike with my life...

Lots of presents!!

The singing Moose was cool!

Some special time with Grandma. I love her!

Me with Uncle Justin. I caught him eyeing my stale piece of bread, and thought I better give him a look to say "It's mine!".

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

7 Months Old!

I am a whopping 7 months old today! Mom dragged me all over town doing last minute Christmas shopping. And she didn't even get anything for me! Not for my 7 month birthday or for Christmas! Well I hope Santa remembers me! I have been super nice this year (except when I have been naughty!).

Grandpa G gave me Santa Scooby. I love him; he always makes me laugh when he talks!

Trying to fit Santa's feet in my mouth (this might be a naughty moment). Santa was hanging nicely on the tree, but I thought a better spot for him would be in my mouth.

Under the tree with my friend Scooby and Teddy bear.

Monday, December 21, 2009

All I Got for Christmas is...

My 2 front teeth!!! Yep, I am a really big boy now! My 2 bottom front teeth came in over the last few weeks. I was a little whiny throughout the whole process, but now am back to normal, with a great addition of 2 chompers. So far it's pretty hard for Mom and Dad to really see them- they are still coming up. But if you stick your finger in my mouth (do it, i dare you!!), you will feel razor blade sharp teeth.

I'm Back!

Mom and Dad bought a new computer so now I am happily back to blogging my little heart out. It is a busy time though, so I might not get this fully updated until after Christmas. Which reminds me... have you seen my Christmas tree?? It is the coolest thing. It sparkles and sometimes Mom lets me play with the garland and bang the ornaments together. Pretty neat!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Cute Little Boy

Since I have Mom up, here at 6:30 in the morning, I thought I could catch up on more blogging. I am sleeping through the night, but Mom says I wake up way too early still. It is her own fault though- she is the one who insists on working until midnight. It is my only way to get back at her for leaving me in the evenings.
Looking cute at Grandma R's house. I love my camo slipper cowboy boots Auntie Jill and Uncle Justin gave me. They keep my toes toasty warm.

It is fall time. I am finally mature, what with my awesome rack and all. Where's my harem??

Getting ready for bathtime in my too small robe.

A little snooze after my afternoon meal.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Visit with Ducklings

Mom's friend from work, Heidi, anounced that her little ducklings were born, so Mom and I hurried over there so we could see them before they got big. The parents are Betty and Jasper, although Heidi has taken over the Mommy role since they don't seem too interested in there own children. Heidi has been an excellent Mom to these 4 little ducks, and she brings in pictures and updates us as to how the little guys are doing.

Duck, duck, duck... Gray Duck!

How cute! But are they cuter than me???

Happy Belated Birthday Daddy!

We celebrated Daddy's birthday with DQ ice cream cake! Dad was even nice enough to share his cake with me and Mommy. That is saying a lot since the next thing Dad loves in this world, after me and Mom of course, is DQ ice cream cakes.

I didn't think you guys would want to see Daddy's birthday suit, so I am wearing my birthday suit in honor of his birthday!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


My first Thanksgiving. It was awesome!! A holiday that centers around eating, how cool is that? Of course Mommy and Daddy taught me to be thankful for all the wonderful things in my life too. So I thought I would share with you how thankful I am to have each and every one of you in my life. You are all so special and will help make me be a great grown-up someday.
My second cousin Landon is showing me how to body surf on the carpet. That is cool!

Bring on the food!!!

For Uncle Jimmy! Isn't is divine??
Another pic of my buddy Landon.
Mommy and I doing what we do best!

My grandparents and me.

We got our computer back.

Hi there! I'm back! Our computer has been restored, and I am ready to blog away about all my adventures and happenings from the past couple weeks. Lots of stuff happens in a babies life in that amount of time! Here are lots of cute pics for you to feast your eyes on!
I turned 6 months old on November 22. I am 28 inches tall. That puts me in the 90% for height! Mom thought for sure I would break 20 lbs, but she was wrong! I am so light at only 19 lbs 2 oz!

Dad is playing a beautiful tune on Mom's old clarinet. Mom broke it out to play me some Christmas songs. I did cry initially (those high notes are kinda loud and scary) but then I liked having the music in the house. Now Dad's playing is a different story...

Here is my grumpy face!

Sometimes I slap Dad in the face. Like this!

Check out my leg muscles!

Daddy does not know how to put on overalls! He got me stuck in them! Luckily Mom was nearby and heard my wails of distress and came to rescue me.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

No Computer!!!!

Well our computer is broken so I will not be able to update my blog for an unknown amount of time. We are having it looked at, but may have to go out and just buy a new one, which means I won't be updating this blog for probably a couple of weeks. If any of you have preference to Mac or PC, let my parents know your thoughts- it may help with there decision making. So no cute pictures of me for awhile- I hope you all can handle it. I know my favorite thing of the day is looking at myself in the mirror- so it must be upsetting for you all to not see fresh new pictures of me. Until we get a new computer... bye bye!

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Helmet Debut

Mom and Dad got me a helmet for my 5 and a half month birthday. I have to wear it because the back of my head is a little asymetrical. The doctor says I will have to wear it 2-6 months, depending on how fast I grow. But the real reason my parents got it for me is so they can take me on extreme adventures, like skydiving and rock climbing and sliding down the stairs in a sleeping bag (that's a shout out to you, Uncle Jim).
Mom and I spent Saturday raking up leaves. It was sooo nice out! Almost 70 degrees! Pretty soon we will be making snowmen out here!

A Photo Shoot

Mom took these cute pictures of me last week. Check them out!

Now all I need is a beard and I'd be Santa Clause!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Brisk Day on the Lakewalk

Mom took me to canal park on Monday. We walked for 3 miles and then went shopping in all the neat shops down there. We bought Christmas presents for Aunt Shelly and baby Eleanor Beck! I hope they like them!

Tickle Time

Daddy is tickling me! He is not nice! Even though I am laughing, you all know how tickling is torture!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Hay Ride at Grandpa's Funny Farm

I went for a haunted hay ride at Grandpa and Grandma G's farm on Halloween. It was chilly out but I was bundled up nice and warm. Luckily we went during the daylight so I wouldn't get too scared. I saw ghosts and a cemetery and a beheaded farmer and even a capsized canoe with a leg sticking out from beneath it!

Aunt Jill and Uncle Justin joined us for the hay ride. I had a fun time!!