Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Grandpa Sundstrom's Birthday Party

Happy Birthday Grandpa Sundstrom! We are so glad we were able to celebrate your special day with you. Tell Grandma the cake and ice cream was super great!!
After all that sugar, we definitely had energy to tackle Grandpa Radzak!

Attempting to pose for a picture with the birthday man.

Moose antlers!

Of course the visit wouldn't be complete without a ride in the big desk chair.

Radzak's House

That Sunday, after riding in the tractor, we headed over to Grandpa Radzak's house. We ran around stomping on bubbles, went for a 4 wheel ride, and went to the beach. What a fun day!

This is Grandma's bike from when she was a teenager. It still runs! I am making the engine noises here while pretending to take Aunt Shelly for a ride.

We went down to feed the fish, but we ended up feeding ourselves. One for the fish, one for me, one for the fish, one for Peter...

Dad went to all the trouble of catching this big frog and getting all slimy, and we didn't even appreciate it! We were much more interested in eating the fish bread. Sorry Dad. Maybe when we are 5 we will think you are super cool for catching a frog. Right now it would have been better if you brought us a cookie since you are letting your kids eat stale bread chunks.

Could the weekend get any better??

So the tractor show was on Saturday, but on Sunday we woke up and guess what?? There was a tractor cutting the hay in Grandpa Gerard's field! We went out to just watch, but then the tractor stopped and Hal, the farmer, asked if I wanted a ride! Can you believe it?? We cut the whole field together, about a 20 minute tractor ride. It was soooo cool!

Petey even got a turn too, for a little loop when Hal finished. What a great, great weekend!

Nowthen Threshing Show

We went to my idea of heaven- the Nowthen Threshing/Tractor Show! It was a huge event! Lots of people, and LOTS of tractors! First thing, we got to jump on a wagon being pulled by a tractor. I wanted to just ride on that, but we got off at the petting zoo area, which Peter really liked. I thought it was okay, but really I just wanted to go see the tractors. There were hundreds of them lined up in rows. Most of them all clean and shiny. My cousins were there and both sets of my grandparents and Uncle Justin and Aunt Jill. I had so much fun! Although I was very quite and pretty much speechless at first. 

Peter checks out the ponies and piggies. He likes farm animals.

Don't I look like a little farmer?? Can I bring this tractor home??

We all gathered for a little dance. Audrey is a great dancer!

Grandma and Peter cuddle for a moment.

Daddy takes me down to check out the tractors. I could name the Case tractors and John Deere tractors just by looking at them.

Grandma and Grandpa Radzak joined our party after a little while. It was good to have a huge gang there with me. Lots of family=lots of fun!

Lots of fun for Peter too!

Audrey and Pete. Being cute.

The train ride! It was so fun! The train went around twice on a big track.

Grandma shares her cone. Thanks Grandma!
Another ho-down in this little house.

Audrey looking adorable in her cute outfit and messy cheeks!

The final wagon ride back to the car. What a great day!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Summer Week

A couple weeks ago Grandma came up to visit for a whole 3 days! It was pretty great! Then Grandpa surprised us by riding up on his motorcycle and spending the night. We visited with Grandpa and Grandma Sundstrom, ate yummy ice cream at Culvers, took a couple morning hikes with Grandma, and just hung out and had fun!

Mom even got to go on a bike ride with Grandpa. Peter hopped on the back seat too, but no bike rides for him yet!

Mom did the laundry, and look what she found to bring up and put away! A Peter! It was bed time so Mom was being very efficient, doing two things at once! He was a pretty heavy load though.

Peter gets a feel of what it's like walking in Grandpa Gerard's shoes. Grandma and Grandpa Gerard came that Wednesday night to bring me and Peter with them to their house for a few days. This was super great because we got to have lots of fun with Uncle Mike and Grandma and Grandpa, and Mom got to get lots of stuff done around the house that she really can't do with us running around everywhere. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for taking us for a couple nights!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Banning State Park

On our way home from our long weekend in the cities, we stopped at Banning State Park. It was pretty neat to check the river out and see all the cool rock formations. Mom was kind of stressed the whole time because of the rushing river and steep rocks. But no one got hurt or drowned, so that was good. The only thing really bad was the mosquitos!!

Best Friends: Peter and Audrey

We spent the night at Grandpa Gerard's house and it was extra fun because cousin Audrey was there too! We played outside with the kitties and the dump trucks and had a blast!

Isn't Audrey the cutest??

Something was just very exciting, but I'm not sure what! And Peter's not telling!

We all love Grandpa Gerard so much!

The perfect thing for Grandma and Grandpa to have for us- a little wagon! We used this to load rocks and gravel into, and for little Audrey to have a seat in.

I bet Grandma didn't know how much fun this stroller would be when she left it open in the house! Audrey and Peter had fun climbing in and out and even playing Peek-a-boo too.

Grandpa's Birthday Party

Last weekend we celebrated Grandpa Radzak's birthday. Peter looks excited for the trip to the cities.

Once we got to Grandpa's house, we needed to swing because they have the best swing ever that goes super high!!

Petey loves to swing too! He says "Higher"!

Do I look sneaky here?? I am about to get Grandpa!

Got him!
 Uh oh! He got me!!

Happy Birthday to Grandpa!

Then time for a boat ride!

Grandma, Mom and Aunt Shelly pose with Peter and me for a nice picture. It wasn't too warm, so we didn't hit the beach, just a leisurely ride around the lake.

 I take driving the boat very seriously.