Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christmas Day

Finally, I have found time to put some Christmas celebration pictures on here. I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! I was up first thing on Christmas day, and before anyone said anything, I shouted out "It's Christmas" from my crib and Mom and Dad rushed to get me and we went downstairs to see what Santa brought me. I was actually a little shy and hesitant about opening my stocking. But I really liked what was in there, especially the candy! But the John Deere Combine was super great too! Peter got a wagon from Mom and Dad that is designed to keep his lego blocks in it. We figured out the "right" way to play with that, as you can see by the next picture!

Then Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Shelly came over to celebrate. We had so much fun opening presents with them. Thanks for all the great gifts!

Grandpa is putting together my sit-n-spin.

And Aunty Shelly is testing it out!

Then we went to Great Grandpa Sundstrom's house. There was a total of 6 boys there, all under the age of 5. It was fun!!

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