Monday, January 23, 2012

January Catch Up

Petey plays with his tractor. He sticks his tongue out as he hums the sound of the engine.
By the way, Pete is a climber now. Not good for Mom's sake, but fun for Pete's sake!

Shoveling snow the next day with Mom because I couldn't get enough the day previous with Dad. I am sporting my cool Abominable Snowman hat that Grandma Gerard gave me. It is nice and warm!

This was the night before when Dad and I went out to shovel. Peter is heading out to go golf.

I drew this picture and told Dad and Mom it is of Spirit Mountain, the hill we live on.

This was taken on the last day the Vikings played I think. Maybe Pete will play for the Vikings someday and actually win some games instead of loose almost every one.

Diaper Free

Well it has been over a month since I have worn diapers, and Mommy is happy! We started potty training a little bit after Thanksgiving, and now I have the full hang of it. Sometimes I don't even tell Mom when I have to go. I even empty my own potty chair into the big toilet!! Mom is so happy she doesn't have 2 boys in diapers now! We just have to get Pete to jump on this bandwagon and then Mom will really celebrate!
P.S. Cool sleepers huh?? I got these from Grandma and Grandpa Gerard!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pete, The Ghost

This is one of Peter's new favorite things to do.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Springtime in Winter

January 10, 50 degrees, Enger Tower.

Pete does the loop around the tower once we made it to the top.

Every time we are driving in Duluth I see Enger Tower on top of the hill and want to go there so bad. And yesterday, we finally got too! I was there when I was just a couple months old, but I don't remember that, so Mom and Dad took me there again, on a beautiful January day.

After we climbed the tower, which I did all by myself, we went and rang the Liberty Bell. That was fun too!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christmas at the Gerard's

The Monday after Christmas we drove down to Grandpa Gerard's house, and only after a brief stop on the freeway to change a blown out tire on the van, we made it there safely. Grandma had a great meal waiting for us and then it was present time!

Audrey gives Pete a friendly pat on the head.

We had a bit of a wrestling match, which of course Pete and I am used to, but Aunty Jill and Audrey were a bit appalled by our behaviour I think!

Just taking a break to eat an enormous cookie!

I don't know how Audrey could sleep through all this excitement!

Pete shows off his great cheek profile while checking out all the presents. Thanks for all the gifts!!

We finished the night off by dancing to the Wii Just Dance game. Hannah and Aunt Jill are on fire!!

Christmas Day

Finally, I have found time to put some Christmas celebration pictures on here. I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! I was up first thing on Christmas day, and before anyone said anything, I shouted out "It's Christmas" from my crib and Mom and Dad rushed to get me and we went downstairs to see what Santa brought me. I was actually a little shy and hesitant about opening my stocking. But I really liked what was in there, especially the candy! But the John Deere Combine was super great too! Peter got a wagon from Mom and Dad that is designed to keep his lego blocks in it. We figured out the "right" way to play with that, as you can see by the next picture!

Then Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Shelly came over to celebrate. We had so much fun opening presents with them. Thanks for all the great gifts!

Grandpa is putting together my sit-n-spin.

And Aunty Shelly is testing it out!

Then we went to Great Grandpa Sundstrom's house. There was a total of 6 boys there, all under the age of 5. It was fun!!

Monday, January 2, 2012


Looking at a book about snakes, we saw a picture of a green snake:

Mom: Look at the pretty green snake.

Luke: That's a John Deere snake!


Our neighbors were cutting down a huge dead birch tree, and we were watching from inside.

Luke: Why are they cutting that tree down?

Mom: Because it's dead.

Luke: Maybe it needs batteries.

Fixing a Fire Hydrant

I got to help Daddy fix a fire hydrant in our neighborhood! It was so cool! He was just a block away, so Mom and I visited throughout the day and made the boys hotdogs and cookies for lunch. I sat in the digger and dumptruck. I was a little nervous, but it was still really neat!