Sunday, December 2, 2012

We are out of space!!

Well, gmail tells us we are out of space to upload anymore pictures or videos to this blog. It will cost money to continue the blog now. Soooo.. we will think about what to do next. This may be the end, or we may just create a new blogspot. We will keep you informed as to what we decide.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Birthday Party #1

Peter was so lucky that he got to have 2 birthday parties! The first party was at Grandma Radzak's house on Friday, November 9, his actual birthday. We were coming from Duluth so we had a quick meal of Papa Murphy pizza and then Grandma had a Nemo cake for dessert.
Just the boys hanging out downstairs while the pizza cooked (or burned!). Mom made a mental note that evening- don't let 2 grown up men and 2 kids be in charge of cooking pizza, even when they are sitting right next to the oven!

Peter enjoys some snacks before the pizza is ready. I think he knows to head right for the table as soon as he gets to Grandma's house. She always has a plate of goodies. This time we got strawberries and carrots with dip! Yum!

Peter loved his new excavator he got from Grandma and Grandpa. It was a new thing for me to watch Peter open gifts without me getting any. Mom and Dad had to talk to me about how it was Peter's special day.

Finally, the cake! Grandma had a beautiful Finding Nemo cake that was very delicious!

This is Peter's new pout. The cake was sitting in front of him and he reached for it- Mom just told him, no, your piece is on your plate, and he did his pout for a minute. He doesn't say anything or cry at all, just pouts with his head down. And then all of a sudden, he is happy again. Mom wasn't even being mean, he is just funny, thats all. Sometimes at home if he doesn't get his way, he will silently go sit on the steps with his head down. Silly Peter! He is so cute sometimes!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Peter!

Peter turned 2 last Friday! Happy Birthday Petey!
Peter at 3 months

Peter at 6 months

Peter at 9 months

Peter at 1 year old

Peter at 1.5 years old

And Peter at his 2 year birthday party! More pictures to come!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

We headed out today to trick-or-treat. It was the perfect evening to be out, and we had lots of fun!

Showing off my spider legs! I insisted on showing every person who opened the door too. I was pretty proud of my spider costume!

Little Peter looking adorable!

We only hit about 10 houses before I requested to go home. I just really, really needed to get my hands on all this candy I got!

Peter was ready too. He didn't even take time to take his costume off. He just sat down and didn't move for at least 10 minutes.

Halloween makes me happy!

Watch out for that stinger!
Do you recognize this bumble bee?? I was almost 1.5 years old when I wore this costume, and looked just as cute!

And Peter was stuck in a pumpkin!!

Apple Juice

Dad and I made our last batch of apple juice with the remaining apples from our tree. Our tree was great this year. It gave us 8 gallons of apple juice, 3 pies, 2 apple crisps, and endless apple eating for the last 3 months. Plus more that we gave away. It was fun to watch Dad grind the apples and then squeeze the juice out. And it is the best tasting juice ever! 

 This is me, after a hard days work. I told Dad I wanted to sleep in my chair, so I did just that.

Pumpkin Carving

We got two humungous pumpkins from Grandpa Gerard and spent the other evening carving them into a scary one and a nice happy one. I helped Dad every step of the way, even the gutting!

Peter wanted in on the action too, but didn't hang around too long when he found out that pumpkin doesn't taste too good.

Look at this! Slimy!

The finished product. Good job Daddy! And thanks for growing huge pumpkins Grandpa!

Haunted Hayride

Finally, time for the annual hayride at Grandpa's house! I had been looking forward to this for weeks and weeks! It was a full house, with extended cousins and Great Aunts and Great Uncles there too. I showed off my spider arms for the camera standing by Sydney, my Dad's cousin's girl.

The bumble bee tries to squish the zebra. Who wins...?

The Zebra does! She squishes the bee and I come to join the fun.

Little baby Ty is only a few weeks old. He is a cute little tiger!

There were so many people it took wagonfulls/trips to do the haunted hayride. Farmer Grandpa did a great job! We went through a graveyard, saw some ghosts, and even a scary monster jumped out and grabbed at us!

Before we headed out on the hayride, Audrey and Peter share a nice hug!

Peter makes himself cozy and comfortable with the guests, Joe's cousins who came all the way from Duluth.

Audrey with her cousins from Justins side of her family.

Boo at the Zoo, Leaves, Hikes and More

We have been having a very fun October with all the Halloween events going on. Aunt Shelly and Grandma Radzak came up for Boo at the Zoo. It was fun for the first hour until Peter started crying and couldn't be comforted. It was a cold, drizzly day and I think he wasn't very comfortable in his costume, which we had to change last minute because of the weather. We got lucky though, because we each have fireman rainjackets and just recently got firemen hats from our visit to the local Firehouse, so we were Firemen instead of a spider and bumble bee, which we will be dressed in tonight when we go trick-or-treating. I did really like the tractor wagon ride though. That was the best part of the whole event, just like last year. 

I found a cozy spot later at home to warm up in. Did you know you don't need to open a sleeping bag up for it to be cozy??

Peter is enjoying the caramel from our rolls the next morning.

This has been the best part of our fall- making trails in the leaves!

We took a walk on the Munger trail and looked at the landslides and washouts, all which are being fixed right now. We have been seeing lots of giant excavators and bulldozers and dump trucks driving on the trail. We should have a great new trail by next spring!

We managed to search for agates while we were up there too. It turns out that Aunt Shelly is good at finding them also!

What a beautiful day!

And of course we couldn't forget to stop by the neighbors and run through all their decorations!

Grandma helped me scoop up leaves when we got back home!

The best place to set up a great sleeping spot is at the bottom of the steps you know!

We still love tractors, if anyone is wondering!